Time to post some new builds on this forum
These builds are from my map
The wiked Halloween night
Yes I am aware of a typo error but its fine its already too late to change it
Skeletons theatre
Little secret the area were the building was a collection of crap builds so during the last day of the competition I destroyed everything and replaced it with that theatre but since it was the last day I couldn't really build the theathre
Time to post some new builds on this forum
These builds are from my map
The wiked Halloween night
Yes I am aware of a typo error but its fine its already too late to change it
I am hoping for first place
Haha second page and look a dragon
There's an eye
Skeletons theatre
Little secret the area were the building was a collection of crap builds so during the last day of the competition I destroyed everything and replaced it with that theatre but since it was the last day I couldn't really build the theathre
Here's the inside of the theatre
These builds seem average because of these screenshots but when you view them in game then they look good