A skeleton dragon I made to practice building actual dragons also pro tip look at a bunch of references take the common details from all of them and make up some new details
Ooh meet my new cute pet *he has no name because every time we successfully give next him a name tag he rips it to bits even if its made from high grade titanium we lost 3 people just trying to give him a name tag*
*also that white stuff is rabbies foam just a disclamer*
MicahisHere, Wow someone actually replied to this forum nice
But yea depends on the build btw the screenshots ruin the builds
If one of the builds looks bad they will look good in person
And this one my build also ignore the blurry screen shots I don't know why there like that
-Awesome-,Here's the updated one it looks like if I didn't do much but I did this screenshot doesn't cover everything
This is an air ship all me
Multi tower windmill different levels ignore the lava don't worry the grief is reparable
They look amazing dude keep up the good work :D
They are really great! :)
A skeleton dragon I made to practice building actual dragons also pro tip look at a bunch of references take the common details from all of them and make up some new details
Mushroom giant mushroom house with custom and vanilla mushrooms AAAAAAAAAAH
This build is just a test to come up with a design its supposed to be a Victorian style is this a good building
Planet renovation texture pack rules this build wouldn't be possible without it
ShotGun, is that the haunted house we were making?
People be like awesome stop building ships you already have 3 and a flying ship stop it
And I say no way nooooooooooooooooooooooob that's a joke don't hate me
His name is
Idk what it means
Ah ha the grief ers ruined the build but can't remove the screenshot
-Awesome-,Bow before lord lion you don't have to
Nice builds I also build houses but sadly my city was deleted
Built an overgrown cave under raylas map
Also that chemicals person is rayla herself
-Awesome-, also creditentials to zumo
Finally I can post an impressive build on here
This is a dragon I built for the fantasy castle contest
This is also for the co test I liked the other one this isnt my favorite
The Snowy Cabin Mountain
The mountain fused with the cabin above a diamond rich island filled with mystery, skeletons, and more.
Note this was previously a build I made a long time ago just now its just 20 times better.
Pooping horse yes I did build a pooping horse why because its funny and that is a perfect reason for everything.
This is totally how I'm gonna look like in 20 years just Im not blond and my mustache will look wayyyy better than the build.
Chicken army.
It will expand every day.
The chicken army will be bigger than the biggest army in the world.
My survival multiplayer enchanting table.
The biggest airship I have ever made
Also the ugliest airship I have ever made
Snail!!!!!!!! BIG SNAIL!!!!!!!
Giganton the snail
Keeper of the land and shelter for the people.
I was asked to make this
Air ship with a whale making it float the touring whale
The chicken army expanded some chickens are pop culture or have recognized designs or are just a neish layers or an actual chicken species
It keeps going on
And on
Finally the end my render distance was at 4 the max it is really long
I built a whale in the biggest water cube in civil cottage living map
Ginger bread house
Mushroom housing island
Meet me and my sister's house
Survival private map house
Ooh meet my new cute pet *he has no name because every time we successfully give next him a name tag he rips it to bits even if its made from high grade titanium we lost 3 people just trying to give him a name tag*
*also that white stuff is rabbies foam just a disclamer*
ShotGun, :D
Your builds are massive and amazing! how much time do you spend to build this?
MicahisHere, Wow someone actually replied to this forum nice
But yea depends on the build btw the screenshots ruin the builds
If one of the builds looks bad they will look good in person
Japanese island
They also are inhabitanted by pandas
U r by far the best at building
W builds