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Planet of Cubes updated to v.1.3 on Google Play! Teleport to new friends on the global infinite world!

We are proud to announce highly desired update to version 1.3 for Planet of Cubes.

In version 1.3 you will discover the long-awaited features, which will satisfy all your creative, constructional and global communication needs on the beautiful infinite world. Select and teleport to any place on the Planet using Map! Write colorful messages in the Chat to the players from all over the world! Teleport to new friends, build and have fun together!

Take part in Planet of Cubes discussion about first release on Toucharcade!

Everybody are welcome to take part in the Planet of Cubes discussion about first game release on Toucharcade!

Add your comments/recommendations/feedback to the game by this link: . Receive a Promo Code to download the game for free from iTunes.

About Planet of Cubes

Planet of Cubes for android now available on Getjar App Store!

In response for many asks, we have released Planet of Cubes for android devices on Getjar App Store!

Download the game from Getjar App Store by clicking

Start your revolutionary adventure with Map of the Planet!

Dear crafters, start your revolutionary adventure by visiting these exciting places on Planet of Cubes!

Enlarge the map by clicking on it:

This is a list of places with coordinates:

Planet of Cubes now available on Amazon!

We are proud to announce, that Planet of Cubes is now available for Kindle devices! If you can't live without creativity, Planet of Cubes game will satisfy all your creative and construction needs! Explore, discover and build cool stuff according your imagination on the infinite Planet! Play online alone or with friends! Build your own little community! 

Download Planet of Cubes from Amazon by clicking
