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BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

How what?

-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

BlueTangs Rock3,This was my first annoucnment post i changed it somehow

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture
BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

And why don't people say what's going on in the original thread anymore??? Is this a new bad trend?

-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

BlueTangs Rock3,What u mean

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

BlueTangs Rock3 wrote:

And why don't people say what's going on in the original thread anymore??? Is this a new bad trend?


BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

BlueTangs Rock3 wrote:

BlueTangs Rock3 wrote:

And why don't people say what's going on in the original thread anymore??? Is this a new bad trend?


I wouldn't have time to find every post that's done what I previously said. But from your words,your thread somehow messed up,right?

-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

BlueTangs Rock3 yeah i think so

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture