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Rooyce's picture

as the co leader of alpha clan i shall take further actions on how EFC is treating new members ze assasin said that he will kick out all the new members i ask why, he said according to voting
but i asked one of EFC members gabriel the snowflake she said she didnt vote anything evidece below, this told us that ze assasin kicked out all new members is no reasson that caused some suspicion other clans plz cooperate with us we know that ze assasin do this action is untolerated, as ze assasin the leader he didnt be kind to new members which isnt a role model thanks


Rooyce's picture

ECF requirements:
as a member you should respect the leader and co leader, no telling coordinates, no stealing stuff 
help people
these are the very basic requirements
don't let people teleport to you if you are a member of this clan, or else punishments can be extremely serious: execution etc
and can led to serious consequences like raiding or spying

Rooyce's picture

The experience of ECF: ECF have been a quite large clan and also is full of power  this clan is stable too
positions available:
raider (like me)
co- leader

Dmuz's picture

royce,im a planter :>

Colatrix's picture

royce, in ECF roles are done by all players we have several players who are better at some things than others (youcrafter XD traider is best at redstone) but for the most part everyone dose the tasks. things like mineing, planting ,hunting raiding, can be done by anyone and it keeps members from getting tired of doing 1 certan task. it would be pretty boring just to harvest and plant the farms 24/7 so we dont have just one person farming. if a player comes on and sees that the farm is ripe he can harvest and replant the farms. those members who like to harvest can harvest as well but it is not a "hold-the-gun-to-your-head-till-you-do-it" clan. jobs are asumed by all members. not just thrown on one person. 

Rooyce's picture

Builder, oh i am mistaken but those are the main jobs of our clan

Rooyce's picture

royce,or ourmain tasks too

Rooyce's picture

ECF introduction :
ECF have been there for some time already which is very stable, its one of the most powerful clans, and most stable ones not like GHE
As ECF grows and expands we shall need more members from treasurer to guard
ECF have been powerful enough to dominate other clans and some people in ECF are extremely professional on something from fighting to spying and raiding
ECF is very strict indeed, thats why this clan is so strong so powerful whom donominates world in the future join this clan and share good and bad
ECF got a hierarcy too, thats why its powerful

Rooyce's picture

if people want to join please notify me or ze assasin the leader thanks, and we will welcome as much as possible if you are trusted and talented

Dmuz's picture

royce, me or ze assasin and builder and kolo and speedo and gabriel >:O
last but not least mee!!!!!!!!

Colatrix's picture

♥TE AMO TAKISᐕ♥ wrote:
royce, me or ze assasin and builder and kolo and speedo and gabriel >:O
last but not least mee!!!!!!!!

and Gold Solo, and Jackson, and youcrafter XD traider...................

Dmuz's picture

Builder,oh shi-

Rooyce's picture

ECF additional rules and punishments:
for stealing ( in jail)
for telling people coordinates (expulsion) 
for telling people coordinates and cause raiding ( death mark forever)
friends tp to you ( expulsion)
entering rooms without permission( suspension in jail serious execution)
killing clan mates ( execution if serious expulsion) suspicion caused sspy
spy ( death mark expulsion and fighting the clan whom sent this spy)
spamming( warning if serious solitary confinement)
hurting mates(in jail)
disagreeing with group or leader ( expulsion)
destroying base( expulsion)
lies( warning if serious suspension)
others( decided by leader)
* this is just a rough list the seriousness willl be decided by the clan leader

Judy's picture

royce, lol what even is this list? I seriously doubt jailing anybody would work cus prisoners could just TP out. Execution wouldn't cus no one would willingly just stand there as someone kills them.

Rooyce's picture

royce, there will be some conditions for jailing they can't tp out

Judy's picture

royce, How would you stop someone from tping? Nothing would stop someone from tping out.

Colatrix's picture

Judy, surround them in 56000 enchantment tables and give them a wood pickax and let them mine their way out XD

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Builder, lol enchant tables then a layer of lava, then more enchant tables....repeat lol

Judy's picture

Builder, You know that a wooden pickaxe and an efficiency V diamond pickaxe will mine an enchantment table at the exact same speed? Even using your fists will be the same speed.

Colatrix's picture

Judy, lol i know. giveing them a wooden pickax makes them think that a diamond would be better so they buy a diamond pickax and waist their coins XD. though players would probubly just re-spawn

Rooyce's picture

sending mobs in base ( suspension if serious or someone died because so perhaps execution or expulsion)

Rooyce's picture

i am a new member too i quit my old clan the disrespect me too much ecf will be way better

Dmuz's picture

royce, y he want u to call him "MASTERRRRR" "MASTER"

Rooyce's picture

see actually some clan leaders are overly greedy so they let you call them majesty, boss, master etc  ECF is way different they respect people and new members

Rooyce's picture

here you go again

Dmuz's picture

boss yessir 
no sir 
yes boss
i mean call me sir
yes sir

KOLO THO's picture

Welcome to our clan bro <3

Ze Assassin YT
Ze Assassin YT's picture

Yayyy happy :)

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Im looking for a clan to join, i like mining. 

Rooyce's picture

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin wrote:
Im looking for a clan to join, i like mining. 

urhmm... friend me or ze assasin but it will take some time to decide we don't want too much members like GHE, 

Dmuz's picture

royce, or meh aka takis

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Idk what i am.just mascot or helper idk xD

Rooyce's picture

ok sorry to announce but this employement thing will be closed temporarily since bad things are happening in the clan, for people who want to join plz tell ze assasin or gabriel, or builder, or xd trader, or our members we shall decide later on.

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

royce, ECF strong? lol let me in, I can share some big cat loves

Rooyce's picture

i agreed but ask ze assasin the head friend him

Rooyce's picture

ECF got high quality skills, we know where to hidee bases which are tactics. Although sometimes we don't work to gether or the time zones, but the clan is very strong still! why? cause we are the best we aren't scared of bløød and also GHE we are as powerfulas god, god of war, GOD OF WAR!! WE WILL CONQUER ALL OF THE CLANS, LIKEE ME I DESTROYED THE BLACK WATCH CLAN WITH ONE OF MY TRUSTWORTHY FRIENDS, I THOUGHT TWO spies are enough to conquer, and tthey almost collapsed. And they are very weak.

Judy's picture

royce, yeah dude we get it. ECF has omnipotent capabilities that shatter the traditional human perceptions of imposibility and all clans must bow under ECF's feet or they will be subjected to forces so tremendous that their mortal minds will be completely incapacitated and incapable of comprehension. A mere glance at ECF's sheer empowering glory will send ripples of distortion across the universe due to their immense flow of energy. Attempting to overthrow ECF will result in a cataclysmic explosion that will annihilate the entirety of the universe in a single planck time unit. The explosion will rip atomic particles apart and cause continuous nuclear explosions until every single single particle of matter has been annihilated.

Rooyce's picture

Judy, well thats correct we are confident i know we won't be as strong as BLØØD or GHE but we are still powerful

Judy's picture

royce, hmm if everything i said was correct, then how come you havent dominated every single clan and inserted yourselves as the ruler of the entire global survival server????

Rooyce's picture

Judy,indeed we are expanding and having more members, slowly we will be the same as GHE

Rooyce's picture

Judy, our Core values do not establish dictatorships. We are kind people.

Rooyce's picture

Judy, The power of ECF cannot be underestimated. We can deliver blows that shatter the entirety of the definition of impossibility. We can do anything we desire. We can literally demolish every single clan in human perception that has existed in POC in every single metric. The capabilities of ECF has comprehensively aggrandized in the last mere couple of years. We can literally bombard the whole game in milliseconds. Our influence as ECF has never diminished, you can literally ask any POC player and they will respond with envy and immense awe when you mention ECF. ECF has superseded the human consciousness in every single metric, in every single dimension and every single timeframe you can possibly imagine. ECF remains as a ideology and will thereby eternally remain and never be shattered or even merely altered in however microscopic aspect.

Rooyce's picture

We have only below 15 members but we still work like that, because we have groupwork, high quality work and also high level tactics, 

Rooyce's picture

i mean EFC

Rooyce's picture

we provide the following goods:
basic food
medical care
basic items

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

warm hugs and hot chocolate

KOLO THO's picture

The name are ECF not EFC

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Does anyone know what ECF stands for? Like E.V.I.L. stands for Every Villain Is Lemon (from Spongebob Squareoants :-P) what is ECF?

The guy with re...
The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader's picture

Elite Command Force

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Elite Cat Force
