Would you rather live near spawn or live in a unraided Diamond Temple?
Near spawn diamond temples to dangerous cause everyone's gonna go there to check for diamonds
Luis Khan, Near Spawn would always be dangerous because of the noobs
CrazyEnderman16, near diamond temple would be dangerous because of the pros
Luis Khan, Also noobs would take stuff and destroy the house if left alone
CrazyEnderman16, You know 10000:10000 is a spawn right
Luis Khan, Yea, Did you know 10,000 : 20,000 is also a spawn lol
CrazyEnderman16,did you know 100,000:100,000 is a spawn
-EN-TROLLJK, That area isn't explored
CrazyEnderman16, Your ningen pet isn't explored
Luis Khan, This is you lol
Did y'all know that 0:0 was a spawn?
CrazyEnderman16, why did he only use one hand and carry a baton while riding his bike
Luis Khan, idk
Luis Khan, I had this yesterday
Luis Khan, More lol
I'd like to say thanks again. Whenever i need something this amazing guy gives me it.
Konstantin, I'm making more and getting more
Konstantin,for now, for now
﷼Kian﷼, Wowo
Doge much live in doge land
Doge, Could I move to doge land with you? I hear that place is doge.
Neither XD bc Diamond temples cannot be raided anymore XD
Θ๓ΞᏩᏜ wrote: Neither XD bc Diamond temples cannot be raided anymore XD
Θ๓ΞᏩᏜ wrote:
Dis' be old
Near spawn diamond temples to dangerous cause everyone's gonna go there to check for diamonds
Luis Khan, Near Spawn would always be dangerous because of the noobs
CrazyEnderman16, near diamond temple would be dangerous because of the pros
Luis Khan, Also noobs would take stuff and destroy the house if left alone
CrazyEnderman16, You know 10000:10000 is a spawn right
Luis Khan, Yea, Did you know 10,000 : 20,000 is also a spawn lol
CrazyEnderman16,did you know 100,000:100,000 is a spawn
-EN-TROLLJK, That area isn't explored
CrazyEnderman16, Your ningen pet isn't explored
Luis Khan, This is you lol
Did y'all know that 0:0 was a spawn?
CrazyEnderman16, why did he only use one hand and carry a baton while riding his bike
Luis Khan, idk
Luis Khan, I had this yesterday
Luis Khan, More lol
I'd like to say thanks again. Whenever i need something this amazing guy gives me it.
Konstantin, I'm making more and getting more
Konstantin,for now, for now
﷼Kian﷼, Wowo
Doge much live in doge land
Doge, Could I move to doge land with you? I hear that place is doge.
Neither XD bc Diamond temples cannot be raided anymore XD
Dis' be old