I believe PoC used to have a 256 block height limit back in the earlier PoC updates, when they didn't have Survival, and before the time skin packs, and most of the flowers were added (mid or late 2015), but then they had to cut it down to 128 to reduce some lag problems, though since at the time it was only the Single creative mode server, and any player made terrain in that server resets every 24 hours anyways (that was most likely before the chunk renting as well), breaking builds by cutting the world block height in half wasn't a big deal back then, because their builds we're going to be reset in time anyways.
More lag?
Yes make the height taller so I can have ppl to and fall to there death:3
I don’t get lag at all
Actually I believe PoC's current block height limit is 128 still. MineCraft has the 256 block height limit.
There is a 128 and a 256 block height version I have one but I don’t know which one I have lemme look it up
It doesn’t say
I believe PoC used to have a 256 block height limit back in the earlier PoC updates, when they didn't have Survival, and before the time skin packs, and most of the flowers were added (mid or late 2015), but then they had to cut it down to 128 to reduce some lag problems, though since at the time it was only the Single creative mode server, and any player made terrain in that server resets every 24 hours anyways (that was most likely before the chunk renting as well), breaking builds by cutting the world block height in half wasn't a big deal back then, because their builds we're going to be reset in time anyways.
:( I have a powerful device that can handle the 256 block height :(
unfortunately though, since it's a mobile game, they have to applease to even the older, crappy phones and stuff.
How about release six more modes by copying the other ones for 256 blocks if u turn it on to “powerful mode?”
SL33PL3SS- LEADER OF UNKNOWN,then bad device ppl would be at a higher disadvantage
By the way I have an older phone I have an iPhone SE and it is NOT an iPhone 5 SE and it is still pretty powerful!
How about make the codes more simple? You can’t satisfy everyone you know.