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Flafo's picture

When I first joined the game I thought there was a nether but to my surprise it wasn't there when I tried to open a portal. Will the nether ever be added, because I would love to see it in future updates.

POCAdmin2's picture

Hello. Yes, we have it in plans for a future.

Flafo's picture

POCAdmin2, is there a estimated time of when there will be a nether?

POCAdmin2's picture

Flafo, it's a big chunk of work and we have another things in developement, so I can't be certain for now. All I can confirm is that we 100% want to add it to the game in the future.

Phøenix's picture

Here's a tip when it is added make sure to turn off your portals otherwise people might teleport to your base just a tip ;)

Sam BMGO's picture

If the nether portals came out I hope there will be new mobs :)

PrestonPoC's picture

Sam BMGO,blockman go player?

AtomicBomber96's picture

you should make it to wear portals can't connect with eachother cuz its kinda unfair