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Karan's picture

Bcuz of 2 reasons.

1st- am noob

2nd- am ally of everyone


So basically useless for clans lol u can say..

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

I can relate, I'm neutral these days, so I don't pick and choose sides, I'm just nice to who I want to be nice to, and since I'm somewhat friendly, that's a good amount of people that I'm nice to, meaning I can't join any clans.  Other reasons why I don't join clans is because: 1, screw that drama

2, being Solo is much easier and safer than having a group of like 10 people or more 3, despite being on here daily, I rarely actually play PoC in my spare time unless I got a reason to(for example working on the map of PoC, which is now 100% done, I just haven't got time to update it's post though).