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Helik's picture

Does anyone want to start a small community with a militia where we can slowly expand gradually and eventually become a city!!

POCAdmin's picture

I as admin would like to help and take part in it. 

HAKUIN's picture

Sounds fun I'm down!

Helik's picture

We need to make our way to a desgnated coordinate once we have a few more trustworthy people signed up. Any ideas

HAKUIN's picture

towsey, perhaps somewhere not far from initial spawn like 200 200 to -200 and -200 somewhere between those two numbers? Just an idea :-)

Helik's picture

Hakuin, that sounds like a good idea. You are a pro when it comes to this. I know that most of us will have to relocate from cool bases but think of the teamwork this could involve!could be fun!

HAKUIN's picture

towsey, I totally agree brother! Let's meet up soon one of these days! Just let me know when. I'm going to play tomorrow in the morning American Central Time. If you want to get together then we can!