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Hello its piggy
Hello its piggy's picture

Achievements our gone so is there a setting to bring it back or no because no achievements lol.

Pingu's picture

Game menu

POCAdmin2's picture

You can access achievement from the Game Menu

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Only achievements you need to do are:
Build house from Straw
Build house from Wood
Build house from Stone
Watch Carol destroy them all.

ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂...
ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂ϟᏩჩЄϟꆜ's picture

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin wrote: Only achievements you need to do are:
Build house from Straw
Build house from Wood
Build house from Stone
Watch Carol destroy them all.

Too bad straw isn't a block... Lmao go play another game if you don't even know how to build in this one

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Pretty sure hay bale is a block. So i used the wrong term. Get over yourself. Lol