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Stormcloud's picture

I have had my bases raided many times by many different clans over the time I have spent playing this game and have an idea after being gone for a while and creating a new account. I want to gather up the most trustworthy players I can, players tired of their bases getting raided, and create the unraidable base with them. I have a plan for it all. Add me in-game for details. Username is "Not Stormcloud's Alt".

亗 Ñøáԋ Ñíñʝá-Łé...
亗 Ñøáԋ Ñíñʝá-Łéáԃ øϝ Døɱɠúáɾԃ 亗's picture

Broskie, im in!

Åmbrøse Aloysius
Åmbrøse Aloysius's picture

I'd like to join as well.

.-Saiku-.'s picture

I wish to join btw i gave most my global stuff away so

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture


Xx-Zar-xX's picture

I wish to join although I did lose a lot of my stuff while trying to get loot from the Skeleton Apartments.

Night's Bane
Night's Bane's picture

Maybe I should join as well

Åmbrøse Aloysius
Åmbrøse Aloysius's picture

I can't seem to find Stormcloud in game, based on the given username. Is it still the same, or under a different name? Also, if this does come to fruition, I can help supply players like shroom and artz who are lacking stuff since I've been passively playing as a merchant/town keeper, so I have a fair amount of surplus stocked up.