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Pingu's picture

Answer me this question:
Does Floss Floss?
I know, it seems silly, but when Flossing himself was asked this, he cancelled. Minecraft Steve recently invited me to join THO, and when he was asked this, he kept trying to go back to the original question/goal: "Wanna join tho? We need good members like u" blah blah. Didn't even care about what I knew or whatever, just what I did once (kill a random solo cup guy) so he thought I was some super mega pro ghe tho tce guy, but I'm just Pingu. Back on topic, he kept avoiding the question, does Floss Floss? I instead of asking tho members and anyone associated with THO, i will ask you guys.
So tell me, does Floss floss?

Leaderruca's picture


Leaderruca's picture

So these clans accept anyone who holds a knife  and enchanted armor that kills noobs who don't even know what is a trap?


Pingu's picture

? THO is a big clan that fights other larger clans like ghe, tce, and tpc (i think they're allies with tce, not sure)

FORD's picture

No, they accepted anyone, who have gset and talk big game.

Leaderruca's picture

FORD,Be more objective with what you said


Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"





FORD's picture

What pingu said is true

Leaderruca's picture

FORD,i know what all these clans are, i will attack them soon, not alone


Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"





Pingu's picture

Leaderruca, what's an ícone Verificada comunidade?

Leaderruca's picture

Does it mean that I was verified

Dmuz's picture

but heres the thing floss said he would supply his members but never does then he would keep on asking for enchs and hes a simp for ppl who got lots of enchs and gold and other stuff that any simp would ask for im not here to defend anyone just telling what i think i was in tho many times he said he would supply me but never does ahhhhhhhhhhhhh- shit and for the ppl who r rich in poc good for u, u deserve it :D dont join THO floss gonna ask for ur ss of ur inventory and if its not full or ench or and pro shit hes gonna cancel u from the clan for not having anything like pro AND HES A SIMP!!!!!!!!!! im done 

Dmuz's picture

xTekis,sowy if some words r misspelled i type hella fastsmiley

Dmuz's picture

does floss floss 

Dmuz's picture

floss flossing

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Hi im new here, can i join clan?