1- Black Pope
black pope probably leads one of the most loyal and powerful armys in PoC. Ive never heard of a TA member betraying him, Ive never seen him lose, and he holds power over everyone. Id say without hesitation if TA came full force to PoC they could wipe us all out in weeks.
2- Raydermus
Raydermus is literally the main PoC legend. Hes the only one who has came close to truly beating kian and his army in a war. I dont believe there will be any new clan leaders that will get to his level.
3- Kian
kians clan is old, loyal to him, powerful, and very organized. Not many who took on the GhE army can say they made it out alive. Including myself, fighting kian is a very difficult thing to do, especially when his leeches and spys get involved.
4- Alexander (Russian)
Alexander lead the biggest clan ever. Osso KZ. They took over an entire spawn zone ffs. I was tied whether kian and him should be 3 but kian had just a bit over him.
5- J-Dog
You know i had to include myself, but i do have reason. Ive always rose a good army, im strong in pvp, i typically make rational decisions and i can control my people. The only reason i didnt put Tsduk in is because he couldnt keep his clan alive with school. I did.
if you disagree at all or think im wrong, then 1st thing, comment and tell me what i messed up on, and then 2nd, go yourself
I disagree all are wrong
Zerow,eat chicken feet
J-Dog,but i want human feets );
Short but simple and brilliant, cheers.
Sir William ツ,thanks. I didnt wanna make everyone read for 30 minutes
I'd not add Karan too if 1 Euro equaled 83 Rupees where I lived. Good choice, gg xD
Lemon Hates You,my money is worth more then yours also
J-Dog,Just for a couple of cents, and everybody in the world knows USD has the highest money rate.
J-Dog,my money is worth more than yours also :D
-modz-,£1 is 1.29 us dollars
Lemon Hates You,atleast I don sell perfumes ;(
Wow I have seen for the first time someone doing such a disgusting job and feeling proud of it. Other than that working in your father's shop
Stand on your own feet dude.
Karan,atleast he have a job unlike you
Zerow,I would rather like to kill my self than having job like him :) now stfu and go lick lemon's ass
Karan,lemon lick my ass noob and go suck matyas cock
This list is wrong.
How the absolute hell can Raydermus be above Kian if he could not beat him? lmao
The Lich,it was a really hard choice but we all know the only reason rayder failed is cuz scarlet fell in love with kian
Jdog I tried to engage in combat with u and u ran away XD
ϟWHITEϟLIGHTNINGϟ,when? We can schedule a pvp if you want.
Btw if GHE does not take me I will make another clan a lot more powerful
Why am I not on here I ruled Amazon Underground unrivaled for several months
-☬-TROLLJK-☬-, Amazon is dead and it always has been. I could go to Amazon and be the biggest clan there ever was in 2 days. lmao
The Lich,It wasn't dead originally and you know it
-☬-TROLLJK-☬-,i think i owned it after modz
where is mine ? better then everybody up there lol
RetardMach215-Leader , I'd assume this video might be the reason, https://youtu.be/EJSw2X_6HJQ
Sir William ツ,That "RetardMach" got me dead afff
where is Osama bin Ladin?
-๓σ๔չ-,there wasnt enough room