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Pingu's picture

all people were there, tce and tho and ghe :() I invited Ethan Notorious and Co leader shell clan

ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂...
ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂ϟᏩჩЄϟꆜ's picture

There was a battle there: Tho and Tce vs Ghe and Dce

Pingu's picture

Ghe nub dropped their max boots to someone, but I got it :)

PizzaBoi777's picture

Can anyone help me in survival? I barely gotten through it and many people just kill me when I see them so any help?

laval's picture

tce and tho won

Pingu's picture

So was not tce vs tho vs ghe?
Or was it tce + tho vs ghe