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Phøenix's picture

Like why have bookshelves if you can't read the books I mean I think it would be nice if players could write there own books and then bookshelves could be used for reading decorating and enchanting and fish so that we can make aquarium's. just a idea

Rooyce's picture

thats a super idea! we can think out of the box rather than being a copycat of minecraft

Rooyce's picture

the books can store coordinates of like hidden chests and etc,and they can be hidden in abses

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

That is what the forum is for xd

Phøenix's picture

I know it's what it's for but we don't have a area in the forum we don't have a topic

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Phøenix wrote: I know it's what it's for but we don't have a area in the forum we don't have a topic

Good news, there's a suggestions section on the forums:


BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

BlueTangs Rock3 wrote:

Phøenix wrote: I know it's what it's for but we don't have a area in the forum we don't have a topic

Good news, there's a suggestions section on the forums:

That section of the forums is primarily for suggesting your ideas about the game (the only exception is when that time where Royce misunderstood the meaning of that section of the forums and asked for feedback on their YouTube channel, lol.)

Dar Kuma
Dar Kuma's picture

I found a base today, not sure if its still in use but pulled out 10 lapis blocks, 10 gold and a shed load of redstone, not many diamonds though...

Rooyce's picture

good luck dar kuma!

Phøenix's picture

I never noticed that