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Glitchblade1797 - GLDN Leader's picture

So, we have a problem in the name of vlllllllllllllllllllllllz. Go onto Park Ridge or the PoC spawn zones. Help.

EjStreamz's picture

What's wrong?

Glitchblade1797 - GLDN Leader's picture

EjStreamz, vlllllllllllllllz.

EjStreamz's picture

Glitchblade1797 - GLDN Leader, am I the only one who knows who that is? And what's yr poc name send me a privt  chat

POCAdmin2's picture

Most of his accounts should be banned for now.

Glitchblade1797 - GLDN Leader's picture

POCAdmin2, I’m aware, but he still persists.

Xx-Zar-xX's picture

He creates more accounts so there is no real solution that can be solved through just banning him in game.An IP ban would be a good solution although I’m not sure if that can be done.Another is ignoring him.He feeds off of attention and craves it from the community, he may vanish if people pay no mind to his rather rude behavior.

-Celestia-'s picture

I don't think an ip ban would work though because he could use vpn

Xx-Zar-xX's picture

I suppose you’re right there.Anything else?