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Danny's picture

Sprinting has been the best addition to the game since red stone update. Sprinting and swiftness potion is great for exploring, even though it depletes food bar quickly you can travel so much in a short amount of time. Props to the developers for that.

ALITTARY's picture

Yeah it was a pretty improving update sprinting is good for exploring and since it last a few seconds people can't overuse it. The into button is interesting Although I never really had any problems with the old process of actions so I'm not exactly sure who wanted the change but it's cool. Theirs one thing in the description for the update that said they added some sort of dissable mobs shadows setting or something but I hadn't seen it or remember mobs having shadows. The lag has increased a bit though but that could just be because of the increase of players playing at the same time because of the  excitement of the update. 

Their are just a few glitches I saw and one from the old version but I'll talk about that on the but report section since there mostly small and one is just visually weird but affect anything.

Danny's picture

If you jump around you can see your own shadow, it's a new thing with this update. I don't really see the need for it but I guess is a cosmetic thing that makes the game more real. I haven't experienced any lag at spawn but I have been kicked from the game when sprinting with swiftness because it takes the chunks a minute to load before I get there so it just goes black screen on me. That's the only issue for me other than that it's good.