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Night's Bane
Night's Bane's picture

Hey I was wondering if you could add a sprint button like a separate option to toggle on and off.
It would really help to bind it on PC for example LALT/CTRL and for mobile a button near the jump button or something like that.

POCAdmin2's picture

Currently it's not possible to change keybinds in the PC version, but we consider allow it in the future. As for the separate sprint button, it could be indeed more comfortable to have a sprint as the separate button, we try not to overload the UI too much. People play on devices with the different screen width and while adding one more button on tablets may be okay, it could be a little bit problematic for a smartphones. Neverethelss, we plan to keep on improving the game UI, so we might find a solution that will allow us to add a separate button for the sprint in a way that it would be comfortable for all types of devices.