we were playing in the game. We encountered a spider that could not be killed. When we attacked it we were not able to Target it and it never took damage. we all attempted to hit it with our swords but could not Target or attack the spider. it was still able to attack all of us and cause damage to us. was frustrating because it was damaging our armor and was not able to be killed at all. spider was not attackable or was invincible. Thank you for your attention to this glitch/bug. :-) have a nice day!
This isn't a glitch,this is a type of server lag,durring this type of lag,you can't kill any mobs,but all hostile mobs can still kill you,and the game makes it's self think that you aren't attacking the mob,so it doesn't die. This lag can affect all mobs(in my experience:rabbits,chickens,pigs,sheep,cows,and zombies),not just spiders.
BlueTangs Rock3, that may also occur.. Except in this situation all other mobs were able to be attacked still. Zombies could be killed the rest of the spiders could be killed. It was just one spider that became for some reason invincible and was not able to be hit with swords.
HAKUIN,it becomes invulnerable to 1 player (you) was there anyone else w/you that COULDhiy the spider? or was it the same situation for them?
TUO, nah.. We both tried and no one could hit it. =) all other mobs were attackable just one spider. Then in daytime the spider actually became attackable again.
you can still kill it w/lava and arrows... that's what I do
TUO, great idea! :-) we will have to try that next time. Thank you for the friendly tip.
HAKUIN, we have added invisible spiders to the game , so they can appear with small probability.
pocadmin,this one spider's immortal though.
BlueTangs Rock3, lol
BlueTangs Rock3, we are testing this issue now.
pocadmin, thank you my friend :)