I think it would be an awesome way to spend your coins if you could buy items such as wood iron gold diamonds tools Etc by spending your coins on them.
I think it would be an awesome way to spend your coins if you could buy items such as wood iron gold diamonds tools Etc by spending your coins on them.
Great idea! They probably couldn't do this on Amazon Underground, though, because players on there would have unlimited everything.
Good point.
BansheePlant, no they would just make a limit on each thing per week so we don't spam. :)
Johnsir, true! =)
Already suggested. Go look at my LEVELS and COINS topic.
KidIcarus, oh i see it now =) srry lol
But that would make noobs more lazier then..
Ķøhàķů, true =) might get more money for solverlabs tho! =)
HAKUIN, It wouldn't make noobs lazier.
They would get the items they need whne they first start. The weekly limit would make them go hunt for their resources!
KidIcarus,but fhe noobs will just roleplay all day until they get enough daily coins to buy diamonds.
I like the idea, but not for underground. I might play on the other server, and stop hoarding my gift cards for books.