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Judy's picture

In my opinion, the inventory protection effect is the most unreasonable game mechanic that has ever been implemented in the game. I propose that the devs remove the inventory protection potion from the game and replace it with Totems of Undying. Evokers already exist in the game, and Totems would be much more balanced because they would actually take up space in your inventory, and you would actually have to do something within the game to obtain them instead of just farming your daily bonus until you get 900 coins. In Minecraft, Evokers drop Totems 100% of the time, but since they spawn much more commonly in Planetcraft, the drop rate for Totems should be decreased to around 10%.

Ze Assassin YT
Ze Assassin YT's picture

That's alot better then the inventory protection mess. Totems would be much better in place of that.

xTekis's picture


Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Really good idea

-Modz-'s picture

**A replacement idea incase totems get denied**
make inventory protection potions 1500-2000 coins too many people have them and they're wayyyyyyy too overpowered

C's picture

-Modz- wrote:
**A replacement idea incase totems get denied**
make inventory protection potions 1500-2000 coins too many people have them and they're wayyyyyyy too overpowered

now this....would be funny....

Judy's picture

-Modz-, This would barely change anything cus anybody could still effortlessly farm coins with the daily bonus or people could just use a new alt account and get the potion effect for free.