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Pingu's picture

Lock items option
For a specific amount of coins, you could set an item in your inventory as "locked" which will ask for confirmation of you dropping the item or removing it from your inventory. If I locked my bow, it would ask me for confirmation "are you sure you would like to drop this item?" If I was dropping it or putting it in a chest, or even in the trade offer section.
The reason I want this feature, is because the first max bow I've ever owned in PoC, has officially been lost. A combination of lag and a glitch which includes you selecting an item exactly before you open a chest or open the inventory, which drops said selected item, has dropped my max bow and when I closed the chest, my bow was gone. 
Remove newbie inventory protection abusers
This can be done by giving advertisements to PC players, which will probably anger those who payed for the game, or add something new like a specific time played needed to wear specific types of armor. It could go like this:
Day 1 - You can wear leather and iron armor - at least 5 minutes of game time needed
Day 2 - You can wear chain armor - at least 1 day of game time needed
Day 3 - You can wear diamond armor - at least 2 days of gane time needed
Day 4 - You can wear enchanted leather, iron, and chain armor - at least 3 days of game time needed
Day 5 - You can wear enchanted diamond armor - at least 4 days of game time needed

POCAdmin2's picture

We will consider it.