SOL Clan, A clan me and my friend Rick Astley made the sol clan bc why not.
Of Course you might be wondering who is in the clan?
We have 9×10^100 members, and each one is a pro with Stacks of ench gaps and harm 2
S.O.L is also related to the old P.O.T clan in a way.. (Plant is in a pot, plant needs a sun/energy source, and Sol means Sun)
sol means sun, and you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for the sun
Thank me later
"Sol" Clan
Sat, 2021-07-10 20:33
Posts: 2812
Joined: 11.12.2020
Bruh XD
Ok? Sure?
uh what is this post for, exactly?
I think it's for parody purposes, but I'm also quite confused
9x10^100 = 2.65613989E195
a lot of members
I heard Carol is the new leader.of SOL
fixed your typo. ;)
Dar Kuma, Leader of LOL clan, might be a small clan compared to SOL
I'll go with that... ;)
Dar Kuma, Sol clan defeated lol clan bc big cat killed them
Funny, since I'm the leader of LOL Clan I can confirm no such thing happened as I haven't been dead for days...some takeover ...
Lies, I was there you were telling one to kill me until I hit them with splash potion of poison+, and then slowness IV
then you left the game :()
That didn't even happen...
Oh yea..
Warrior smacked you last second..
Where was this...
OK, stop.
I wasn't there.
150v320 normal diamond armors
No idea, I don't pvp
Pingu,according to me dar kuma never fights these days, his tp is always open, and thus bigcat and darkuma are friends
Dar Kuma has entire armies of LOL clan members, so they pvp
Yet you see no one with lol clan in their name, yes I control entire armies.
You are funny pingu.
It was 1982 and then the ghe leader came out of his base and BAM
LOL clan all spammed him and killed
Base was raided, so the person made GHE
Good one...
I'm going to assume you were not even on the planet back in 1982.
Dar Kuma,
Actually , I don't even think you are on the same planet even now...
Maybe you are an alien?
It was 1776, when the SOL clan eliminated most of LOL clan, while the LOL clan was invading SOL territory
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞,
I guess some people like to create
Dar Kuma, screenshot for proof
BigCatClanCaroleBaskin, Good luck
I will be building a base , but not here and not now.
But soon, I have to get a lot of a resource that's quite scarce to make blocks. So its going to take a while to get enough to build with
Just get a silk touch person to mine with you, but you get the stone they mine for stone bricks
The block I'm refurring to is called nether quartz, and I need a lot...
Kill mobs for quartz
All the villages ruined, burnt, destroyed over the years. Clans are useless.
Oh so let's abandon teamwork, right?
Na, I am just saying in the beginning it was peaceful one or two people killed people then clans emerged an killed the peaceful players repeatedly till they couldn't play the game and left or joined them. But that was in time were zombies would spawn endlessly. I had to fight once against 4 creepers and 15 zombies at a time. But I don't think it changed a lot.