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HAKUIN's picture


BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

I dunno,probably not.

HAKUIN's picture

Lol. Whaaat. How do they not work yet.

A BOT's picture

I Don't Know How They Don't Have The Iron Golems Yet. But The 4.2 Update Has Came To Google Play.

A BOT's picture

xXTaoXx, Unless pocadmin forgot

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

The should work soon maybe in 1-2 weeks in version 4.2.2

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

Ocelots are turned on tho if someone finds one is survival multiplayer post it because right now the numbers of those mobs went BELOW 0

PoC Master
PoC Master's picture

Guys! Currently, all these mobs are disabled.

Many users are playing in the old version of the application. If we include new features - this will greatly affect the quality of the game of such players and multiplayer in general.

Forgive us for making you wait. Everything will be cool.wink

Kvng Aether
Kvng Aether's picture

PoC Master,bruh u gotta hook me up wit dem porkchops dude

Røyal BløøđØ Řa... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Hurry Up I need golems

.. Dam witch creeps the crap out of me 

Hi guy
Hi guy's picture

plz hury up the witch and enderman creeps me out