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Kvng Aether
Kvng Aether's picture

As of now, I have gotten myself under control and I'm feeling good again, so SK is now recruiting! If you wish to join, please let me know in the comments or in Private message


*NOTE* SK currently has 2 members. The number is low bc I just started recruiting! Plz save all remarks until recruiting is over

Spearize's picture

Once im done with BŁØØĐØ ill see

Kvng Aether
Kvng Aether's picture
RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

U were mean to me

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture
Kvng Aether
Kvng Aether's picture

I'm mean to whoever disrespects modz or scarlet. Dont make the mistake again and we cool

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

It was a troll so we good now 

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

k so we at peace