So I already suggested passive/neutral animal mobs,and female zombies,and sheep,cow,and zombies are already in the game,and it's most likely pumpkin heads,wolves,and other WoC mobs will be added,so in this list I will suggest the last of the mobs I would want on this game... 1.shark:these are neutral/hostile mobs with 16 health,and gives 3.5 hearts of damage when it attacks.they can be found in oceans and swamps that have 6 block deep areas of water.they spawn in different skins,based of different shark species.they spawn in different sizes,and bigger sharks kill smaller sharks.sharks will kill all aquatic animals,livestock,and some other land creatures.when they die,they will drop 0-6 cartilage shards(can be crafted into cartilage bone,which only crafts bonemeal),0-2 shark fins(for shark fins soup),shark egg(40%),and 1 raw shark.they will attack players when at dusk,night,or the player attacks them.shark eggs are placed in water to hatch,and after 10 minutes,the egg will hatch,and be a "size 1 shark",sharks will come in 10 sizes,size 1 sharks will become size 10 sharks in 10 game days,the Shark's size will become a bigger size each game day,until size 10,and sharks won't attack another shark until size 5. 2.bear:they are passive/neutral/hostile mobs,with 18 health,and give 2.5 hearts of damage each time it attacks.the bears will sometimes spawn with cubs,which are passive mobs,but if a player is nearby a cubes,any nearby adult bears will maul/attack the player,and after they kill you once,and go back to that area the cubs caused the bears to attack,they will calm down and become neutral as normal instead of the hostile state,unless you attack the cubs,then the bears nearby will become permanently hostile,similar to Minecraft's polar bear AI,but the bears for PoC Survival Multiplayer,will kill livestock,fish based mobs,small squids/octopuss,rabbits, mice,squirrels,birds,wild boar,and wolves.bears can't be breed,and cubs only can be spawned naturally,however cubs can be feed raw fish meats to make them grow up quicker,similar to other baby animals,that if you feed them the item used to breed adult versions of them,they will grow up quicker,like on Minecraft(doing that doesn't really copy the game).when killed,they will drop 0-6 bone shards,0-2 raw bear,0-10 leather,0-3 raw fish,0-3 raw bass,0-3 raw cod,and 0-4 raw salmon(40%).they come in different skins:grizzly bears for forests,plains,also for spruce forests(50%),black bears for birch forest,mountains,also spruce forests(50%),polar bears for taigas(snowy spruce forests),tundras,ice spikes biomes,and ice oceans,and pandas for jungles(pandas however,are all neutral only,considered a different mob ID,and CAN be breed by sugar cane,and destroy sugarcane careful when doing sugar cane farms! xD they also will attack ocelots,and only kill smaller animals,and are less aggressive). 3.slimes:they are passive/hostile mobs,giant slimes have 16 health,and give 2.5 attack damage,medium slimes have 4 health,and give 2 attack damage,and baby slimes have 1 health,and are the only passive state,though go after you as if they were hostile mobs,yet do no damage.they spawn in plains,swamps,and 25% percent of world chunks underground,at elevation 5-20.when killed,giant slimes drop a slime block(25%),medium slimes drop no items,but they will drop experience points(like any other mob should),and baby slimes drop 0-4 slime balls.they will kill bird based mobs,fish,beetles,worms,pigs,rabbits,wild boar,squirrels,mice,and bats,also to prevent starvation,will eat/destroy mushrooms,crops,grass,and vines.zombies will kill slimes.giant slimes will jump 2.5 blocks high. bomb:they are hostile mobs with 20 health,they are similar to creepers,but are sorta bombs are some strange evolution of a pig(though doesn't look like one),they will sometimes make destorted pig squealing sounds,be breed by carrots,potatoes,and beetroot(when you hold these items,or in love mode,they will turn passive,but other than that,they are hostile),and when killed can drop 0-4 raw bombchops,which look like a black&green version of the porkchops,but make sure you cook the meat,because if you eat it raw,it can make you explode and die(50%).living bombs will look similar to the "bomb-omb"from the Mario series,but has a green creeper face,and creeper legs.when they die,they drop 0-4 gunpowder(can also be crafted by 1 coal,and 2 sulfur chunks),0-4 raw bombchops,0-3 bombs(can also be crafted by 1 gunpowder,4 iron ingots,and 1 string)0-2 raw porkchop(10%),and a random music disc(5%).anything that kills pigs(with the exception of zombies,pumpkin heads,and spiders),will kill living bombs to.Living bombs will eat/destroy mushrooms,grass,and flowers.they have 4 types:standard, super-charged(when a standard one gets hit by lightning,instead of gunpowder,it drops TNT),red living bomb(can only drop 1 diamond ingot,but it's 100%,however they are WAY rarer than standard,and super-charged doesn't really have a rarity,but however red living bombs will explode without warning after they run away from you for 80-100 total blocks),and diamond living bombs(have supercharged,and standard living bomb drops,along with 2-4 diamond blocks,are one the rarest mobs in PoC Survival Multiplayer,only found underground at diamond/lava level,and extremely rarely,in Savannah biomes,and have the super charged living bomb's explosion,but with fire also!!!! >:D explosions won't effect these mobs,and if it exploded,and wasn't killed(with exception of super charged living bombs),they will keep on respawning till,you kill it,and it doesn't explode again. 5.female pumpkin heads:very similar to the original/male one,but female ones make higher pitch sounds,has blue eyes light(normal/male ones have Orange eyes light)by normal,but when attacking,has red eyes light,but when a male/female pumpkin head is in love mode(you know! For baby pumpkin heads! xD),they will have pink eyes light,also the female pumpkin heads will have like their hairdo poking out the pumpkin they're wearing(in my WoC theory,pumpkin heads are zombies,being tooken over by some pumpkin monster that attaches to their head,and the pumpkin heads aren't in reality headless),and the female pumpkin heads will have the same hairdo as female with the male ones,you can shear the pumpkin of the pumpkin heads,and then the pumpkin head will basically turn into a zombie(except with that iron armor,because the pumpkin was the only thing removed),and won't throw pumpkins at you anymore,and have zombie AI.shearing a pumpkin off a pumpkin head is a way to get pumpkin monster seeds,which I discussed many times to Olga(one of the game's developers),and on the WoC Forums,so I won't go over that,or the advanced pumpkin monster mob,that wears a darker version of diamond armor. 6.mummies:they are a zombie type mob found in dessert&dessert related biomes,they are even slower than normal zombies,but cause hunger&nausea for 10 seconds when it attacks you,and make louder sounds.there will be no gender variations of this mob,because you can't really see them other than a ton of paper wrapped around it,and eyes,so it wouldn't really matter...I dunno.along with normal zombie drops,they can drop 0-10 paper,0-1 cactus(50%),0-4 red sand(25%),0-4 sandstone(25%),0-4 random stained clay(20%)and 1 ruby/sapthire/diamond/emerald/lapis/gold ingot(5%). 7.seal:a passive mob with 10 health,can only be found in ice oceans,and stone beaches.bears,wolves,and sharks kill seals.seals will kill fish based mobs,reef fish based mobs,and small squids/octopus,they will eat/destroy sponges,clams,and kelp(if fish aren't around).When they die,they drop 0-6 bone shards,0-2 leather,0-2 raw seal meat,and 0-2 raw fish. 8.skeletons:they only spawn underground,desserts,ice spikes,jungles,islands in the oceans,and in the nether.they are ONLY actual mob that will drop full bones.they can either hold a bow,enchanted bow,stone sword,or be empty handed.when empty handed,they do the same damage as zombies,however skeletons only have 18 health.they come in multiple mob IDs,and skins: other Mob IDs:Stray:spawns in ice spikes biomes,and shooting spectral arrows of slowness from an enchanted bow(which they all have equipped),and can float up to 1.5 blocks of the ground.along with normal skeleton drops,they'll drop 0-2 spectral arrows of slowness,and 0-4 prices of cloth(also can be crafted by 6 cotton,and can craft clothes that can be worn under armor,and with armor and clothes,causes even more protection,than just wearing one of the two),and rarely,a half damaged enchanted bow. Wither Skeleton:spawns in nether fortresses,always will hold a stone sword that for some reason,if it hits you,it'll cause the wither effect for 6 seconds.Wither skeletons will run at you,and are immune to fire,making it impossible to die in sunlight.they are also half of a block taller than normal skeletons.they will also drop coal,a stone sword(skeletons sometimes drop the weapons they're holding),and instead of a normal skull,they will drop wither skulls,which can make a boss called The Wither. Skins:standard:spawns every where skeletons can spawn(jungles 50%,any other one,100%),and doesn't cause any effects,unlike the other previous two,and can hold 3 types of weapons(stone sword,enchanted bow,and bow),and can be empty handed.when skeletons die,they drop 2-20 bones,1 skull,1 75% durribilty bow/stone sword/enchanted bow(if equipted),and 0-4 arrows(if any type of bow was equipted). Mossy:a skin found exclusively in jungles,their appearance is a standard one with vines,moss,mushrooms,and various other plants growing of the can rarely be equipted with a mossy cobblestone tool/weapon(most likely,sword,shovel,or pickaxe).when killed drops standard skeleton drops,the weapon or tool it was holding(this time it would drop it 100% of the time,if it was holding anything,making them the best way of getting the items,0-4 arrows(if any type of bow was equipted),and 0-4 vines/moss/mushrooms/grass/flowers/ferns/ jungle saplings(5%). 9.Husk:a type of zombie that lives in desserts,have 24 health,doesn't burn in daylight but not immune to fire,are half of a block taller than normal zombies,has 3.5 attack damage,when it attacks it causes the hunger&poison effects,and has gender,and baby variations.they can drop normal zombie drops, 0-4 peices of cloth,squash beetroot and cotton seeds,and 0-2 zombie arm(anything you attack with it gives it the hunger and poison effect,and has 20 durribilty). Ok,that's enough for now...bye!
OMG a long list of suggestions!
I vote for skeletons!