Modz,THANKUUUUU!!! i got 57 arrows so far from mansion,but its hard to get in,cause there like a god clan hiding in the room u walk in,so i die almost everytime i get in there
Does anyone here sell full god armor,and sword and pickaxe? Ill pay 64 dmb for it,maybe more maybe some ench too,but i need someone to trust,and doesnt scam
Along with his apples
Missing block?
Yeah I would guess there,nI checked place out once, total lag less than 2 frames per second. Never going back XD
Modz,THANKUUUUU!!! i got 57 arrows so far from mansion,but its hard to get in,cause there like a god clan hiding in the room u walk in,so i die almost everytime i get in there
Does anyone here sell full god armor,and sword and pickaxe? Ill pay 64 dmb for it,maybe more maybe some ench too,but i need someone to trust,and doesnt scam
I lost mah fire aspect ll smite lV sword :'/
Nobody asked you
Oh just ignore scootaboot. Ever since he got a acount here. Hes been hating on everything and everyone. So just act like he doesn't exist
Did my nonfiction go on randomly cause nobody texted:l