Some people wish there was a way to change the color of armor if it's already dyed like if your in a clan and you want everyone to have the same color of armor in it it's too hard to make more armor we wish there was a way to re dye the armor we already dyed so we don't have to keep making more just a idea
Encant it with normal diamond armor in the top slot. Will turn it back to normal color. then re-dye
The only way to do this so far is to get a anvil and put the normal undyed item of the thing you want to re-dye on the top part of the anvil slot then place the dyed thing on the bottom slot and combine them. After that you can dye it like new.
Thank you I never knew that
Have you tried using your leather armor on a water-filled cauldron? I don't know about this on PoC, but on Minecraft doing this works and results in it "washing off" the dye, and giving you un-dyed leather armor.
In an anvil, if you were to add 2 dyed armor, the top one would be the color of the dye?
I don't know how to say it
but I can do this
Diamond Chestplate - Dyed blue
+ Diamond Chestplate - Dyed blue
Diamond Chestplate - Any other dye
The top one is the one that would have it's dye be shown