Reason 1: We can have some really cool visual rank badges next to a player's name. (or a large badge on a player's chestplate)
Reason 2: Good PVP frags do not really show how good a player is, if he only kill many newbies
Reason 3: Good badge players easily get promoted if joining in a new clan
Rank 0: all newbies
Rank I: 100 kills of Rank 0 / 50 kills of Rank 1 (Rank get demoted with more than 100 deaths from the time that rank I received)
Rank II: 50 kills of Rank 1 / 25 kills of Rank 2 (Rank get demoted with more than 50 deaths from the time that rank II received)
Rank III: 20 kills of Rank 2 / 10 kills of Rank 3 (Rank get demoted with more than 20 deaths from the time that rank III received)
Rank IV: 10 kills of Rank 3 / 5 kills of Rank 4 (Rank get demoted with more than 10 deaths from the time that rank IV received)
Rank V: 5 kills of Rank 4 / 3 kills of Rank 5 (Rank get demoted with more than 5 deaths from the time that rank V received)
Ranking System
Thu, 2023-08-10 08:12
New Guy
Posts: 9
Joined: 27.04.2023
Sounds interesting! Thanks for the idea, we will consider it.
I suppose you're basically going to implement an insignia system? It would be a good idea.