The daily amount of coins are up to 300 daily coins, and you CAN get a good amount of coins from achievements, too. The thing is, you would have to get your daily coins 3 times (When at day 5 or something) to get 900 Coins. While this DOES sound like a decent amount, it is a relatively low number for users who are looking for expensive and good enhancements or tools. For example, you can find (At least I did) and enchantment worth ~260 Coins. Since a fraction of users have diamond armor, there are also some who can't or couldn't enchant their things. They might not have enough coins to enchant their items. To those who don't have diamond armor, they might need to..
A. Buy them
B. Work their way up by mining for it.
Let's be honest, choice B is obviously a very good (and better) option.
If you are going with choice A, you would have to wait.
For starters.. Spawn might just be littered with Diamond people (People in diamond armor) Surrounding spawn zone with builds and a thirst for battle. Their best bet is to find a clear area,.use portals, or collect the loot of the diamond people when they are in a fight.
The thing is, Long-term Bases. If you are making a Long-term base, you would need coins for a farm, enchantments, and if you have to go through trial and error to get those enchants on tools, you probably need to make a cow farm or hunt for cows just for leather to make books. The point is, a long-term base needs a lot of coins, and so do you. Experiments (spawn eggs) farms (if your underground, Specifically a cow farm for leather, food, and milk), repairing items, repairing armor, pvp, survival items, ENCHANTMENTS, just basically anything can (but doesn't have to be) done with coins.
With enchantments (Personally, I think they are what is expensive and useful at the same time) you probably want the best for your items and armor. Enchants are trial and error with books and/or tools, both using materials. Tools usually use the actual material (Like diamonds or Ingots). Books use leather and require a sugar cane farm to make paper. Luckily, you can get books from other methods, (I think simpler than getting free tools that are probably low on durability, already enchanted, or just something you won't use), but Then you need to add those enchantments onto said item with an anvil. Then that also costs coins, and hopefully less than the actual enchant.
Teleportation can be used to get far away from 0:0 as a starter, giving you a good chance at survival. If you have a base (you might have one) with a set home point, you (at least I can, I don't know much updates with the different servers and stuff, I just know some probably get updates faster than others) can teleport from spawn zone portals to your home point. What if you can teleport from home points (by an interaction button) to nearest spawn zone instead of walking out of your base and possibly dying and having your base found. I recommend spawn points to be the teleportation tool because they already are in the game, you can't really teleport WHENEVER, unless you have a lot of spawn points and nothing to lose (like a base). Right now, to get to nearest spawn zone, you need to kill yourself/use the respawn option. That might cause you to lose your items, unless you use a private chest, a spawn protection potion, you plan to go there with nothing, get lucky with what you keep, or some other smart way to keep items, like teleporting to a friend who is already at spawn.
Fun ideas would be written and signed books, fire works, maybe pistons? Though I can already see people glitching under bedrock and though walls with pistons, fireworks used to kill people on towers, and other ideas I had being used to glitch and break the game. these include: Maps being used to find (if there are any) sky bases, minecarts used to find X-Ray glitches, and those are used to find bases,
My suggestions are that instead of buying tools and stuff, you trade them. The difference is, that items from the shop can be traded in for coins, and coins can be traded in for the items. Example, a diamond could be worth half, if not the whole price of a diamond from the shop, and with other items too. Emeralds can also be turned into normal emeralds when smelted and then nine make a block, a block could be sold for 100 or so coins. Daily coins could go up, maybe to 500? Something where getting coins could be done easily and more rewarding, but not too easy where coins are useless. There could be more solutions to this.
There might be some misspellings and flaws, so please correct me in the comments or something.
Random thoughts
Sun, 2021-02-21 04:28
Posts: 2813
Joined: 11.12.2020
POCAdmin,is your like solverlabs company,is it french,or ukrainian?
They had confirmed that they're an Ukrainian-based company a couple times in the past
I'm just your ordinary penguin
yep i like the idea of trading coins poeple ask you to ench there items thats actually like trading coins cuz enchanting need coins
iam not like the person who seeks diamonds using mining i use quick ways like base raiding and apple temples and trade for large amounts, who will get 7 stacks of dbs using mining?! i wont it will take about like 4 months iff you use the highest fortune pick, thus most epole dont have fortune it will take about 10 months
...rooyce,i get a fortune 3 pick in like 1 week,and when i have one,i get 8 dmbs a day from the place i mine
what only 8? i got4 dbs each day using diamond pick
Another thing that could be added is an ignore list (I'm not sure if there is already one), select a user or users to where their char is filtered out of the chat box.
Not char
I do atleast 25 diamond blocks in 20min. Easssy
The idea of a chat filter came from another game where people are very competitive and when their team is slacking, they curse some mean then things at them and the enemy. there are clans in that game, one that brought the attention of the " Best Player " who was taught by another player the things he said was wrong. Now he is against A specific clan, messaging him and telling him that racist things. I recall in the video comments, the YouTube channel of said clan was thanking the guy for clout and a shout out. I am not up to date with the current situation, though I'm pretty sure they resolved it already. (Chat system is TERRIBLE, you can say racist things by adding a special character, like ñ, à, or something, and it will not filter it as a bad word. But if you spell it correctly, it will filter it with a ' *** ' You had 2 options back then, "Mute Chat" ( You cannot see or actually chat yourself ), or move out t find a new game/match. Luckily, an ignore list is now available in the settings where when a user chats, it is ignored.
Keep in mind, this game would be streamed on YouTube or some other streaming site (Not really twitch lol) and then you can hear that the people streaming it are like 12 - 17 or 18. I have only seen One confirmed person who showed their face and was actually an adult. By the way, the name filter is just as bad (if not worse) than the chat filter. Repeated users, it does not really filter curse words, not anything really. Remember the YouTuber from earlier, the good and ' best player ' one? They were both teenagers.
I might have mistaken some things, but take that as a grain of salt, that's just why i recommend it to this game because of angry users on some spawn zones. (It never happened to me, or at least until I can remember, it was another post on the forums.
Conclusion: it would be nice for competitive players who stay at spawn (for Idk what, but they do) and starters who barely spawn, with others, to have the ability to communicate and also ignore specific players who are toxic. Another addition could be the ability to prioritize specific users messages by making them bold in the chat, (for you only) or ignoring other players' chat messages. This is also important because if someone is not friends with you and they are willing to do something with or for you (and vice versa) you guys can communicate, like a 1v1 or an event. Maybe a message all friends options for content creators who add their fans for a specific event. I would mostly recommend a ignore list and a prioritization list.
Pingu, the thing I recommend to take as a grain of salt is the game and the youtubers with the players
The idea for this was from a post called 'LOOK' made by user "røøÿçę føüñß"
Thank you for the suggestions!
1) We aren't planning to allow players to exchange coins, because it may lead to some abuses.
2) The idea with teleportation looks interesting, but risking and free pvp are core aspects of the gameplay.
3) The chat filter is a good idea. We are currently working on an in-game report system, and we will consider adding the chat filter as well.
Thank you.
also yesterday I saw someone with an innappropriate username. please fix this. people can have the f word but I couldn't have "pika" in my name last time I played PoC.
R.I.P Pikachu?