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BlazingPinecone's picture

So yeah, i've been reading on the forums a bit. X)

Everyone is calling people who use potions in PVP a potion noob or an apple noob.

Do you guys not realize potions exist in the game for a reason? They are MEANT for PvP, so stop ganging up on people if they use potions on you. Its not fair to them.

Karan's picture

Hmmmm thats point to be noted XD 

That's why i made LMS Stadium for Fair PvPs

heat it up (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I get were your coming from but all us ppl who have been playing this game from the very start never had potions to use we had just pure skill but now that the admins have added potions in ppl don’t use pvp skills they hide behind potions too win 

so I say admins need too remove potions aswell as ench and golden apples bc ppl will never learn how too pvp like us bc they never went through what we went through to get were we are today 

that’s my point for the day 

Kvng Aether
Kvng Aether's picture

-MODZ-TA-KIANS GUARD-,I couldn't agree more. Also they need to make it impossible to leave the game in battlemode   even if the person leaves the game

T K's picture

Everyone has their own manner of fighting. I guess peeps call those who use the items, "potion noob" or "apple noob" because they believe fights have to be fair. I used to be like that tbh lol, but that was just because my pride and ego surpassed my desire for atonement, to better myself. I used it as an excuse for any retreat in a PvP match. But later on, I learned that this is survival. No crying. No whining. If you lose, you lose... don't complain, you have many other chances to imrpove. Ofc, unless you have a limited time to play that is