There is this glitch where If you go in water or something, you start drowning. Or maybe where you are using a mount (boat/Animal) and you start suffocating. I've had this glitch happen to me just recently and I died from it, 1/3 times because I was not prepared.
So, what do you do?
Well, if it's a drowning glitch, I would recommend going in water again (Your entire body) and I did that and it stopped drowning me...
If it's a glitch with a boat, like you get out and mine a block you were being suffocated in and then are suffocating again, try to get in the boat again, and it that does not work, break the boat.
I have not tried to go to main menu while suffocating, and I have not tried this on an animal..
I would probably recommend unmounting and mounting the animal again, or go through a block again to suffocate for like 1 second.
If all fails, you can always go to main menu!
A possible way to stop suffocating in the air
Sat, 2021-05-22 03:51
Posts: 2813
Joined: 11.12.2020
Its good to know there might be a solution , just watch out if your around a lot of water....
This sounds pretty helpful, thanks Pingu
How to not suffocate:
Step 1-breeeaatthhh---
Archangel Gabriel, true true
I'm proud to announce that when I was in a spawn zone, I took damage out of nowhere. I then went into the water and the damage stopped :)