We are back with another news report,i am your host,Gabriel Snowflake,and we have recently received a miraculous news story,lets take a look with ze assassain (look up this link m.youtube.com/watch?v=gGGArT5fxbw ).and now we are back after you have watched the video.the bad things-his base was raided-he was cyberbullied-he quit for a month!-the good news-he is back!-his clan is improving-his new base is currently being built-the cyberbullier is banned! We wont mension any names (i am for sure no one knows the name of this "bully") but this is the best thing ever! Ze assassasin is back! Every story may start bad,but if you stay happy and glad,the outcome (the end) is wonderful.
And lastly,a few days ago we have received some evidence that the Admins of Planet of Cubes are going to release a new Christmas update.rumors say rhere will be a new clan " thingy"-Boats-New Gamemode-thats all.we have alot of evidence that it will occure very soon.POCAdmin2 clearly stated that the update is close.boats will make it so much easier to go accross ocean realms,and could start more underwater ocean bases!-it is unknown at this time what the new gamemode will be (possibly hide and seek mode) but otherwise,we should lastly see some remarkable improvments for clans.POCAdmin1 said that "this will be a big update" so stay tuned with Planet of Cubes News Today for more updates! We will see you soon ;)
-Ze Assassains Return-POC Update-
Channel 3 News
Planet of Cubes News Today with Gabriel Snowflake
Sat, 2020-12-19 03:24
Super Member
Posts: 515
Joined: 16.11.2020
Welcome back Ze! I just wanna say don't worry about bully's I personally live in a low populated part of the game"I don't think anyone lives near me lol" but somehow some one found me and did a poor job at raiding me they left everything untouched besides my farm I just recently moved here so working on my own base from scratch I've been alone the whole time in the game until recently I friended "NoWifi" sorry I can't remember her new name but she has been a good friend who always comes to visit. I'm looking forward to the future in this game
Yeah.... What she said lol
NOWIFI im here everyday if yall need meh ;)