I sent someone to explore with piggy, research some things for PinguLabs. They had some fun and killed some nubs.
They killed some revenge tce guy, co-leader of shell clan, and some theelfpro nub, and others
Here's an interview of main spawn life or whatever (main reason why they are there)
"So, what were your findings at 50:-100?"
"Well, we notice large clans tend to fight smaller, individual, players, or some from smaller clans. A DW20 Member was fighting some 1GHE, one of the fools disconnected and died. The others say stuff like 'he just disconnected', but wouldn't it also be fault of theirs for not defending their fellow member? I, myself, talked to a ghe member, and they were allowing someone named RON in the clan. I, myself, know a few things about clans. I know some players have a history of joining a clan, trying to become owner or co-owner of the clan, and then leave if unsuccessful. Then, they try again. I ask this member if they know that the player they are recruiting is a bit of a traitor. 'Ik', they say. They know their clan is probably full of traitors, but they keep it. GHE is just a matter of time before it dies out, but major events can increase or reduce this time.
Back to main spawn, I believe it is many factors that contribute to it's large popularity, and the large population is what keeps it going. The mansion at coordinates 69:-80 is something that players are usually at, like professional players. Many new players spawn there. One main feature keeps it engaging, however. 50:-100 Respawns, possibly synchronous with the Mansion. 0:-50 may also respawn, and another unnamed spawned I will not reveal due to requests.
With it's large population, comes lag, and people who use it. When I was there, I technically did something I didn't know I would do. I technically abused 50:-100's population, for kills. Others do the same, especially clan leaders. Now, it is abused more, to kill newcomers, and farm for free kills to raise PvP stats"
"Thanks for this talk, we hope to work with you more"
person mans explores places with piggy
Thu, 2021-10-28 03:14
Posts: 2812
Joined: 11.12.2020
Well I wasn’t there, so I’m not the person with no-user
- V01d The No-Name -, Wdym
What no user guy?
And you said “Another unnamed spawned”
I'm just quoting interview thing
Also, they meant a spawnzone they didn't want to be named
and you said "I was mining"