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Raven-heart's picture

How long does it take ores to regenerate? Anyone know?

Inactive Account
Inactive Account's picture

They regenerate once a real-life day.

Gone's picture

BansheePlant,at what time in CST time zone

Inactive Account
Inactive Account's picture

LonelyBandit, They respawn 24 hours after they were last mined.

Kieranb's picture

BansheePlant, didn't they remove that for farming or something?  I think they need to set timer active ONLY when people are close by, otherwise it's gonna be mine ore, go about your day, repeat until rich and then trade for stuff....  It can get very boring and may count as abuse.

Raven-heart's picture

Kieranb, im sitting  ona massive gold ore "farm" as it were and these regenrate when i am in the area so i can stay close. Just wondered how many times a day? But Banshee just answered it.

Raven-heart's picture

BansheePlant, thanks