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POCAdmin2's picture

Dear Players!

We have temporarily disabled ability to upload your own maps from single player creative and survival modes to online private maps. We will get this feature back in the next update. Stay tuned!

Meanwhile let us know what do you think about this feature and how would you like to improve it?

ALITTARY's picture

When uploading It to a survival world piece's of structures and chopped and loaded a few chunks away from each other In weird ways, although I'm guessing that is why It is being temporarily removed.

Elektrika's picture

Maybe make an option available to create a randomly generated private map that is 256 chunks by 256 chunks?

Judy's picture

Elektrika, You know how much data a 256x256 map would use?

Elektrika's picture

Judy, honestly it depends on the game...

Judy's picture

Elektrika, A 256x256 map would take up a substantial amount of space on any game. If a bunch of players made a bunch of 256x256 maps, the game devs would soon run out of storage for those maps. I'm sure you've seen the post where the devs had to reduce the expire date for maps from 50 days to 15 because of storage issues.

Judy's picture

Btw, could you tell us what new features will be implemented into the next update?

POCAdmin1's picture

Judy, we are currently working on adding a new game mode, clan and improving game mechanics

ALITTARY's picture

POCAdmin1, whoa new game mode, now that sounds cool!

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture


POCAdmin1's picture

Gabriel Snowflake, We are fixing some problems with loading maps

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Oh,ok,good idea ;)

Malachi preston
Malachi preston's picture

When will you guys add a netherworld

POCAdmin2's picture

Malachi preston, we consider to add it in the future, though we aren't sure when exactly it will happen.

Elektrika's picture

The nether would be tough, the entire game would need re-written because a "d" axis would be needed to add dimensions.

Judy's picture

Elektrika, What do you mean by D axis? You only need X, Y, and Z for a 3D game.

Elektrika's picture

Judy,the D axis is a dimensional axis, it is not seen in the normal world. This axis allows multiple dimensions to exist instead of just the Overworld. It also allows dimensional travel through portals.

The Courier
The Courier's picture

Elektrika, that might not be strictly needed. An alternative, that's considerably more easy to implement is to extend the range if valid coordinates from 0..64 to -64..64 for example and extend all chunk templates such that they contain the nether world portion. The bedrock blocks can provide the neccessary separation between the two worlds. Note, that in MineTest, nether worod is implemented in the very same way.

The Courier
The Courier's picture

The Courier, Sorry, the current coordinate range is 0..128, but the essence if this entry still holds.

The Courier
The Courier's picture

The Courier, also excuse the typos. (Quite surprisingly for me, is not possible to edit the comments after posting.)

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

The Courier wrote: Elektrika, that might not be strictly needed. An alternative, that's considerably more easy to implement is to extend the range if valid coordinates from 0..64 to -64..64 for example and extend all chunk templates such that they contain the nether world portion. The bedrock blocks can provide the neccessary separation between the two worlds. Note, that in MineTest, nether worod is implemented in the very same way.

You do have to consider that MineTest and PoC store world chunk data in vastly different ways.
I think that the reason why Minetest is able to have very high skies and deep underground areas is because Minetest has world chunks with small vertical heights. As an equivalent, think of the Cubic Chunks mod for Minecraft Java.
On the other hand, PoC has its world chunks go as high up as the max world height and as low down as the max world depth.
As an equivalent, think of the standard world chunks for Default Minecraft, or most other Minecraft-clone games.

The Courier
The Courier's picture

BlueTangs Rock3,I undertand what you said, but i don't really get what is your main point here. I only say that your extra dimension idea is also feasible, but my suggestion is maybe more easily and quickly to be implemented. Howerever yours is more elegant but would require more changes in the code base of the back end and front end parts both. Of course i can't be absolutely sure without further knowledge about the software's architecture.

Sl1mJ1m's picture

When will the ability to upload survivial singleplayer maps be readded?

POCAdmin2's picture

Sl1mJ1m, we are working on it.

The guy with re...
The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader's picture

I didn't know this was a feature. But will probably don't use it cause single-player is bad.

The Courier
The Courier's picture

> Meanwhile let us know what do you think about this feature and how would you like to improve it?
This is a valuable feature because it makes building new maps much more easy and fast. It can be used to create a custom to my friends offline and upload it when it's finished.
Editing is much faster with external tools compared to in-game block putting one-by-one with hand.
BTW, it would be helpfull to access the texture maps for map creation purposes (to see if edited maps looks good or not)
Can you please hint me a way, how could i locate those textures (the static blocks only) ?

AngelQueen's picture

Omg thank you for telling me I didn't know what happenedĀ