I think there should be official teams. That way everyone knows the real members and it would be easier for team matez to communicate. Also there should be ranks. Grunt, soldier, lieutenant, sargent, general, co leader, leader, things like that
I think there should be official teams. That way everyone knows the real members and it would be easier for team matez to communicate. Also there should be ranks. Grunt, soldier, lieutenant, sargent, general, co leader, leader, things like that
Ya I agree then we would be able to keep track who is what rank in ur team
Meh. Solverlabs had over a year to apply this, as it has been suggested multiple times. Though, he has said 'I will talk to the team about this' over 15 times, never any response. We have no hope for this, and stop making multiple topics.
Guys we are currently working on it. New updates are coming! Please be more patient!
pocadmin, Lies. I know what Solverlabs is working on. -_-