So, Nubbins is a person who was created by Carole. By that I mean Carole = Nubbins, and she might say "I'm not Nubbins, Nubbins killed me" or something like that, but that's her hiding and killing her main account with her other account known as Nubbins. You might believe they are different people too, but they are the same. I will give a picture of proof below if you don't believe me after all this, anyways. Carole posts about Nubbins almost always, but. She also tried to scam someone by saying something like "I have rare blocks, you drop first." who knows if she actually had the rare blocks, nobody. I mean she knows if she has them or not, but no other people. I'm expecting a comment from her on this, posts similar to this basically always gets a comment about Nubbins. Oh also, if your going to make a fake account or pretend your someone else, like Carole is trying to be a person called Nubbins. Because they are the same people. Do not blame other people, only yourself. It is your decision rather to not do or to do. Red was the one who came up with the name called M.O.P, and I followed along after suggesting some other names. As soon as we posted Carole said Nubbins was the leader of M.O.P, which was untrue. So I was confused, and Red was probably confused too. Red actually made other posts about this, and I did too. I'm making one right now, although Red's posts were more agressive, since he is the true leader. I'm just the other leader basically. I honestly don't want to give Nubbins any attention, but I do in the way of posts. I am making this post because I don't want people believing the lies that have been spreading by Carole, and other people might be reacting to it and spreading it more. If Carole says something about Nubbins to you, simply just don't believe it. You can still talk to Carole, don't send hate to her either. I'm just saying don't believe her on everything. She says that the one block taller is just a selected block or something, but if you tap on a block, it will have an outline. I know because I've been playing PoC for like 3 years. Not just one year, so atleast I have experience. It's not a glitch either, the name of the item will disappear. But the outline around it will not, Command said it was taller than the other first, if I didn't say that already. I didn't, Command did. So it is edited, I trust Command and I trust my instincts. I tested it too, and it had an outline. So if you are believing Carole, defending her, knowing it isn't true and saying it is, praising her and Nubbins. Makes you kind of sus, so don't do that. Carole keeps trying to defend herself and tell more lies, which makes it worse. So I don't know why she keeps lying. If she does get actually caught by like everyone, she will be in more trouble. I don't even know how she comes up with that many excuses, but she does make excuses. It does take a while to respond of course for her, maybe she was planning it after the M.O.P post. I think it might of taken her a day to first post about it, anyways please don't pay attention to her or Nubbins. The real clan is ZMOP, ( M.O.P ) with like atleast 300 points. It has red and purple, about 9 people when writing this. If you join a clan that says it's M.O.P but the leader is someone else, it isn't the right clan. My username has blank Unicode, if it shows me as the leader in the clan on the PoC Clan Area, it's the right clan. But Red is a leader too. Also, when you split the block. It can get bigger, but still. The photo is edited, and I think I've given you enough proof. You can go to Red's post called Explain and stuff too, it has pictures with proof. This is probably the longest paragraph on the forum, or the longest one I've made. Nubbins is Carole, and Carole may be a pro. But that doesn't mean Nubbins is a pro. Nubbins is Carole's 2nd account. It's very easy to make another account, you either use another device. Or you make an actual account by signing up on PoC, and doing it for more accounts. Anyways, if your interested in joining M.O.P. Join mine and not the fake one made by Nubbins, that doesn't even exist. When I searched M.O.P only my clan came up. So Nubbins never made a clan as Carole said, anyways if you want to join M.O.P. Search M.O.P in clans after the update, tap on the icon / name, request to join, then make sure I am the one who is the leader of the clan. Don't praise Nubbins, or Carole. You can still talk to her like I said though, just like don't praise her and say. "Nubbins and Carole are the best they created the entire PoC community, developed it, and created the whole entire game!1!!!1!1!11!" or like "Everything that Nubbins and Carole say are true!1!!1!! Everything they type on their screen is true, believe them or face the consequences!11!!11!!!!" If you want to talk to Nubbins, they will probably say something like "I rule the entire universe, not just PoC. I created every single planet." Which is honestly kinda cringe, not to be rude but it is. Like, he may be good on PoC. But may be different not on the game.
Proof? Of What. I don't know if Nubbins photoshop his stuff. I just posted what he sent me. I bet if you looked at a bunch of not nub accounts, they'd have the same tools, food, apples. So are they Nubbins too? Give me a break. Your whole post is Sus, at best.
BigCatClanCaroleBaskin, It's odd that u out of everyone is getting all this Nubbins content. All the evidence found points to u being nubbins, carole.
Lol I knew you would comment
The post is targeting BigCat, so of course they will reply
You edited it because one block is taller than the other, Command found it then I found it too.
- V01d The No-Name -, the middle gold block stack in the inv. also the image is edited for almost every item except the first and half the second rows. u can tell by the image, the real r slightly more blurry than the faked items.
And that isn't the only stuff that's sus.
I will add more too, this is just the start.
yeah blocks sometimes are bigger than others in the inventory or chest because it could be a selected item. Also, in a post I said using ench is not worth 8db. You do know I say ench as in enchanted golden apple, not enchant, right?. Maybe you got confused, or maybe you are a nub that prob hasn't seen a stack of gaps in your whole life. Nubbins has too much gaps, explains why he says "I am PoC" .
anyways, notice the way nubbins talks and compare it to how Carole talks. Carole kinda talks like "Lol Nub" and "give me coords to base, thanks." Look at BigCat's screenshots about nubbins talking.. The words and tone do not match up.
If it was selected it would have a white box around it
Also could have been a glitch, or maybe they took a screenshot in the middle or item selection
Middle of item selected*
I have not edited anything I have ever posted.
Nubbins Mops near the nubs that are holding bins but when he gets off of being a janitor he prob edits his inv+Private Chest
Nubbins not edit stuff -_-
Ok nice to know.
If you add a block in inv it will not be highlighted and will be larger. I just tested it.
I split the gold.blocks. the one i moved was larger and not highlighted
You've probably edited that photo too after noticing the editing mistake,
It can get bigger when it splits but not like gigantic.
You can try for yourself
I already have, but selecting an item doesn't mean it makes it bigger without a white box around it
- V01d The No-Name -, Actually, I do have to admit that there is a way to make items appear bigger. I'll post an image and lookk at my wet sponge in the inv.
Only splitting it can but you could of made it so it didn't look edited by making it look like that
I just took this like 3-4 minutes ago.
Wait. Is Commandr, Nubbins? Look at his tools, steak, blocks.
He doesn't have the ench apples plus I saw him in main spawn, unless a fake. I didn't say anything though but saw his user.
Also he doesn't have those types of arrows, but you have many stacks now, and had some back then too
Commandr is possibly Nubbins because he has multiple tools