Now that I'm back being active on PoC any of you have any ideas on who I should destroy in PvP and who to ally with?
I'm sure the politics have changed, and I was in GHE before I left so the closest to that I guess I'm asking for. Plus any suggestions on a new name??
I heard there was another Deja Vu that came in when I was away so I wanna find a better name.
I'm the best player on the planet of cubes currently, I'm in CLPR helping them, this makes the CLPR clan very strong, but there's still THO AND O88O, I think they would be good for you
I've killed PinnPom/PinnnnnPom/PinnnnnnnnnPommmmm/Sheccid Kawaii/PimPom a few times before.
Look at this screenshot. He dies to Winterwolf. Winterwolf died to BigCat. BigCat is new to PoC. Therefore, CLPR Leader is not good at PvP
And your name could be "CLPR Unbeatable" or "SERVO DA CLPR" Or CLPR the best
Thank you for the suggestions although I'm not joining THO, that suggestion makes me wanna vommit lol
Oh okay, why? what do you have against THO? But there's still O88O for you to enter
because 1v1ing a THO ends up in a 1 (you) vs 1 entire clan known as THO.
Due to duplication bugs and whatnot, killing them is harder and they will put you in tables and break your armor or kill you before you can leave the trap
THO has always been and will always be a wart on the butt of PoC... They don't do anything but worship Floss, they never leave spawn, and they never let me kill them in pvp beotheyre scared of pvp...
O88O are bunch off nubs. Join pro clan like NTR
BigCatClanCaroleBaskin,O88O They work well as a team, but according to you they are a noob, that makes you a noob
Yes, im actually in ntr. My name is xx SuperSkiledRobloxKid82 wariur ntr xx
Ahh it's explained
Carole all the time claims to be new here, so don't try to bully her for it... Lol