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POCAdmin2's picture

This is a first video in a series of reviews of creations built by players!

The authours of the Skri-Ton: Скриптонит, Григорий, Безумный Безумец, Лайми, Чинила, Татар, Америка, Як.

If you want to visit this map personally, search "RUS Город Скри-Тон" in Private maps mod!

beasty's picture

Yaaaa! But when is update coming alredy April !!!!?!

Rooyce's picture

beasty why are you talking sbout updates everywhere ? ;) hilarious

beasty's picture

Because I want update

beasty's picture

Do anyone know how to download multicraft block craft mini game in laptop and pc and the company of this game is sloverlabs any know how to download

ShotGun's picture

Man this is good
I would explore this world many times
Sadly its gone now wither they changed the name or it got deleted