The following are my opinions on the new christmas update/event today please dont take any of these to harshly this is just my opinion and I know others have different ones also. I will talk about the good parts of the update first then after that I will make numbers to represent the updates problems and will be followed with a solution at the end on how it could be fixed.
I love the new christmas texturepack it looks amazing! Those purple ornament blocks look very cool and the christmas lights on the dark wood look fantastic.The spawn is so christmas themed and snowy and seing the trader in a santa suit is also funny. I love the new creeper texture they look much better and scarier than their previous skin.the zombies also look cool an match with the whitches, Its also eaier to tell whos a human or zombie now too so thanks for sorting out that cunfusion. The discounts in the store are nice to although halloween seemed to have more dicounts and better deals. I think this christmas is going to be cool with this beautfull map and I also noticed the pictures displaing the spawns are also easier to read and have new icons for christmas themed main spawn and spanish spawn. A tiny detail I almost missed but just noticed was that they made the spawn force field wall a bit easier to see and more blue so you can tell if your in or out spawn easier. Thank you admins!
Although here are some questions or problems I have found that other people also wonder.
- Inventory: ok I like how you were trying to help us by trying to change the way the invintory and attempting to make is easier to use. You probably may have overhead some people talkin about the inventory or complaning about it a little bit but this is not exactly what we had in mind. Using it seems more complicated and time consuming thn ever.Swiching weapons i like playing a game of cards and picking up items from chest is anoying. First of all it takes to much effort to grab seperate items when i want to grab 1 piece of an iron block i just automattically grab the whole stack, It should be the other way around why did you change it? Pressing and holding should of been for getting more blocks not the opposite and even when I try to hold for just the perfect amount of time so I grab 1 piece I still end up grabbing too many at once. Also the inventory display waste too much screen space it seriously doesn't need to take up as much space as it is with how skinny the bar is now. Also crating things and looking in chest is annoying now, I used to be able to just click off menu from tapping a button down at the bottom but now its gone so I have to use the tiny little x at the top that can get very repetitive and slow I rearrange my iventory a lot when im mining or adventruing or about to pvp and now its gonna take a full 3 minutes to try and do it now. Please atleast put out a totrial on how the new inventory s too be used or its functions because maybe im just not used too it yet and maybe it really does have some hiden potential but right now its really cunfusing and a lot of people in chat seem to be completely lost on how to use it. I can't organie my inveotry untill I can find out how exactly to use it pressing and holding randoms buttons certainly isnt helping.
For the inveontry problem you should add a setting in settings menu to allow people to switch to the old inventory style so those who liked it or dont understand the new one can go back to using it.
2. Hitt sound effect: Why did you change the sound affect for dammage? I mean I honestly know you never heard any complaint's on the sound when attacked in this game, The closest to it was the silent mob glitch that people talked about happened when a player is on a menu and can't hear the mob attacking them and die but that is completely different than this new player noise. I was used to hearing slashing noises when others were fighting and only Oof's when us the (Player of our device) get hit but now that everyone makes an Oof nise when dammaged its extremely hard to tell if your getting dmmages or someone else is sure you could look at your hearts ,but you know how quick mobs are at killing and when I hear the sound of me getting hurt but its not me I get paranoid and cunfused. Othrs in chat have been saying the same. Im also wondering why that was changed noone said anything along the lines of make who's geting hurt undifferentiated.
2 SOLUTION: Change the sound affect back, Like i said noone had any problem with the old one I thought the old one was great. Make the sound affect for others getting hit back to a( slashing sound) and only make the (Oof hurt noise) when the player gets hurt so we know if its us in trouble or smone else.
3.Discounts: I don't want to sound beggy or like im just a poor greedy person who always wants money but why are the discounts so bad? I mean 10 coins off is kinda good vrs fuly priced things but last halloween the discounts were wayy better even though they were only on halloween themed items they were still much better. With the chirstmas discounts they didnt atleast add a seperate section for discounted things and I see a lot of items that havent changed once so ever. Please put some stuff on hlaf off or 15% off maybe just only christmas themed things or make snowballs free for the event so people can have snow ball fights or stock up on snow an make forts and let it just last for maybe a week or so. You could also highlight discounted items or put the words sale on them so we can tell the differences.
3 SOLUTION:Highlight or tag discounted items.
4. This last complaint is a really small. Why only christmas lights on dark oak tree logs? why not all log's I don't really see why one certain type of wood should only have christmas lights why not all of them?, There all trees sure the type of wood the new giant christmas tree at the portal uses is dark oat but most other trees aren't and dark oak honestly is kinda rare. I would love to have lights on all types of wood all trees can be chirstmas themed It doesn't seem to hard just do what you did with the dark oak tree too the other 3 types of wood.Birch,Oak and jungle wood. Atleastput it on Oak wood since its the most common out of all the types.
4 SOLUTION: Add christmas lights too all wood logs.
5. Another small problem I found is an privatechest glitch that makes the private chest not able to open for some unknown reason. The only description I can say for this is it happened to me after being in Attack mode and when attack mode ended The chest would open or even show a highlight upon touch. I Don't my know any solution for this as it could just be a code bug.
Again I dont want to throw tons of complaints and demand for them to be fixed or changed or changes these are all just mine and a few others personall opinions on the update and doesn't mean I hate the update. I think it was cool and that the admins and workers on this game really worked hard to make this and I don't want to make them feel like they any less of an effort, They work hard and without them there would be no game I thank them thats why whenever I state a problem I have with something I try to explain it in detail and too sound as kind as possible I also make sure to leave a thought on how to solve it and ways to fix it if possible. Also don't feel rushed to make a reply I don't really expect one from anyone within atleast 3 days of my prior post because of innactivness this month let alone admin replies , I know you guys are busy.
Thank you for reading this admins and members I hope you have a happy holidays no matter what and enjoy your winter break! Sincerely,
Here are some nice pictures I took of new things. Sorry If my words don't make sense autocorrect for some reason likes turning the word (things) into (27th ) lol
I meant to I think it's supposed to be a difference to one of the classical music songs with a rat king in it auto correct is destroying me lol!
i like the new look of the mobs
and can you tell me your name so i can add you alittary?
Damn , Inventory is a mess , I was able to move stuff 1 by 1 now it takes the whole stack of 64 , monsters what happened to them especially OUR DEAR CRAB! (Creeper) Oh Gawd , CRAB looks like mini green slenderman now sad , I'm in my base so need to go to the town(spawn) to check all the fancy maps , sounds I didn't notice any changes on the sound as I play on low volume , but probably messed up too if you say so , where's the crab head also? creeper head , we have zombie , skeleton head but no creeper head in shop , all and all I only luv the new pig skins , but the rest especially inventory and monsters , zombie , mob skins and OUR BELOWED CRAB(CREEPER) MUST RETURN BACK...
POCAdmin you already destroyed the game with global warfare unlimited battle royale crap where whenever someone discovers a building they never let it live for 1 second and explode it with TNT or LAVA or WATER or Flint and Steel , now you destroyed the monsters , inventory , sounds come on man what's wrong with you , reverse it all back , just leave the piggies , only piggies awesome , rest are completely HORRIBLE UPDATE.
How to fix:
1) Inventory reverse it back and add a drag drop system , DRAG DROP SYSTEM how many times I told you POCAdmin DRAG DROP SYSTEM WITH AUTO SORT BUTTON
2)You should add new monster skins into new texture packs but you should leave all old skins and old sounds on classic texture pack so people can switch them freely , but not like in this update , CRAB IS ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE , GIVE US OUR BELOWED CRAB BACK (CREEPER)
3)There's a game in Play Store all the save/load features implemented in it , people build house in single player then they saves it , then they UPLOAD IT to the multiplayer server so people can join to play , once the map gets destroyed , player just hits LOAD button and all the map that he built returns back to him without any single damage! POCAdmin you should learn some stuff feom there eh
4) I'mma stay in this POC game forever but dam polish the game Pocadmiiiiiinnnnnn with unreal engine 5 please if possible or unity
UnDeRbLuE,I kinda like the new creeper much more than the old one. It looks much scarier than the old shorty creeper and very different from spiders easier to tell which is which. It's also much easier to hit when fighting and compared to the old creepers they aren't so annoyingly low to reach. Whats weird though is how now mobs make the slashing sound instead of humans because I swear they didn't used to make that sound and it was originally for others when they were pvping. I feel most of the skins were changed in the update in order to make things easier to differentiate like how zombies and people look differnt and how creepers and spiders look different. I do agree with what you said by the making it so you can go back to the old textures on old texturepack. I still think texturepack based mobs would be amazing and the amount of alternate skins these mobs have been in could definitely by used. Something that would love the game would be a Big (Skin and textures update) Not to change how the skins are but to ( add) more options and variety to the skins and textures. Like again texture pack based mobs so changing your texture pack also changed mobs skins. Another could be having mobs skin depend on there sorroundings ,spawnzone, environment,ect I see that most mobs have At least 3 different gradients of themself mostly animals, some of those textures should be based on where they are spawned in and change depending on location. A lot of skins are cool but it's important for the skins to be in the right place otherwise they will look wierd. Ann update just for some and textures may seem boring to most people but compared to all these other updates That usually bring glitches and confusion I think just working on skins would be relatively easier on the coding and can't possibly create as much problems. I encourage bug updates and slight enhancement sure they may not be exiting but they can be equally improving.
ALITTARY, I'm getting use to stack moving inventory but it's still annoying , I miss the old inventory where we could move stuff 1 by 1 and sort it with a chest but eh , POCAdmin is da BOSS who am I to judge , still hard to get use to the new stuff ,
I just missed the old crab (Creeper) coz it was glowing at night , it was classy beautiful and awesome , yes also it's easier to kill the new crab now , but I never had problem killing the mobs , I usually jump to water and kill em all in the water as they move slower there , I'm gonna miss the old crab tho ugh.
I hope POCAdmin returns all old mob skins and old sounds into classic texture pack and throws the new creeper n mob skins into neon texture pack or something , I don't think it will ever happen..
What can I say more , I just didn't like inventory and creeper or mob skins update , inventory 2 long lines then 3 more slots lol , It's not symmetric to the eyes and I really hate the new creeper it just looks like a mutated slendermen meh :/
Supposedly both PoC and WoC are Unity games, a couple years back I asked the original Pocadimin about what engine PoC and WoC were coded in and his response was that it used Unity. I'm not sure which version of Unity though, because he never specified.
Also WoC confirms that it uses Unity in-game, as if you are not connected to internet and you open WoC, it'll sometimes fail to load an initial ad and give an error message about an ad pluggin code from Unity.