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POCAdmin2's picture

As some of you've already noticed, we added a new spawn zone type in the Asian theme. Do you like it? Would you like to see some more spawn zone types in the future? Share your opinion :)

beasty's picture

when is new update come??

POCAdmin2's picture

beasty, it will be soon.

beasty's picture

POCAdmin2, i want to know because i think you add enchanting table,horse,mule,anvil,melons,boats,dugeon,deep caves,mineshaft ,achievement,shop, stronghold and woodland masion and many otherthings that in multiplayer so you add in single player in next update and of course fix some major bugs and plz add all these things to single player becuase it all in multiplayer!! and i hope these thing is added in hide and seek update...

Jedi0fEndor Pri...
Jedi0fEndor Private Map Explorer's picture

POCAdmin2, is there gonna be rice added? It's not completely asian without rice.

POCAdmin2's picture

Jedi0fEndor Peace Keeper of P.O.T. Clan, we don't plan to add it currently.

beasty's picture

POCAdmin2, what about me

Jedi0fEndor Pri...
Jedi0fEndor Private Map Explorer's picture

POCAdmin2, did I at least give you an idea?

Judy's picture

Is the spawn zone Asian themed because Chinese New Year was recently?

Jedi0fEndor Pri...
Jedi0fEndor Private Map Explorer's picture

Idk but no one wanted to come to my party ;-; Andeven if people did it would still kinda be a bust.

Elektrika's picture

siiiiick, i looooove new spawn zones

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

This spawn town looks nice

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

It would be interesting to see new biomes with new spawn towns generating in them rather than changing already an existing biome's spawn towns though.

But regardless, the builds do look quite impressive.

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

I rly love this spawn.but if you are looking for ideas on more,i would pick a London England them.like a clock tower somewhere,and some grey buildings around it.otherwise,i rlyyyy love this new one!

Pingu's picture

Yo guys that's cool and all, but like what if there was a fishy treats spawn. With like docs and stuff for pingu to get fishy treats

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Pingu wrote: Yo guys that's cool and all, but like what if there was a fishy treats spawn. With like docs and stuff for pingu to get fishy treats

Elektrika's picture
Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ
Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ's picture

Love the update - love love new spawn - can we have this as the main spawn 50 -100 ? Keep up the good work 

Rooyce's picture

by the way why is a word caled priviliedge on the building? i didnt see it

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

røøÿçę føüñß wrote: by the way why is a word caled priviliedge on the building? i didnt see it

I'm guessing that it's just an indicator that the admin has building/mining permissions in spawnzones.

POCAdmin2's picture

røøÿçę føüñß, it means that admin account has more extended toolkit and optins than regulat players account.

Dmuz's picture

Soooo there's this spawn thats 

Dmuz's picture

Far away

Pìzzærølls's picture

Are we gonna get some of that meow and woof woof in the future?