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POCAdmin2's picture

The Creative Contest is back!  This time, we decided to spice the things up and change the rules a little bit. 

The topic of contest is "Castle and Kingdoms" 


The rules of the contest are the following: 

1) Build a medieval castle, fort or village in a Private Map mode. The buildings not necessarily must be in a european style. They can be inspired by any other world culture.

2) The bulding must be built from scratch! Redecorated or slightly rebuilt buildings that are already exist in the game won't be count as a contest work.

3) This time, the contest is for building teams! You may bring up to 3 friends (for a max number of 4 people) to build together and if your map will win, all of you will get the prize!

4) Send us the name of your map with your creation using this application form - https://forms.gle/U3UZfcDphSLGP9hP9 

5) Make sure your map for contest isn't private and is easily accessible for everyone. And don't forget that the private map will be deleted after the 15 days on inactivity. So make sure that it won't dissapear before the contest deadline.

6) Offensive or NSFW creations won't be accepted.


We will accept your works by 2:00 PM 11th of May EST (7:00 PM 11th of May GMT). The winners, will be announced on our YouTube channel 12 of May.


The prizes 

First place – 10,000 coins and 200 gems

Second place – 7,000 coins and 100 gems

Third place – 5,000 coins and 50 gems


N.B.: The prize won't get divided between builders. Each builder will get the full prize in case their map will win.

enderman.'s picture

can it be 2?

POCAdmin2's picture

enderman., 2 players? Sure. Just not more then 4.

enderman.'s picture

POCAdmin2, I'm still seeing who wants to participate I can have 2 me and another friend of mine

Phøenix's picture

enderman., I'll join you if you want

enderman.'s picture

Phøenix, Yes normally it's my first time in a competition I'll try to do my best

Phøenix's picture

enderman., ok so should I just add you in the game or something?

enderman.'s picture

Phøenix, I think it's easier to add (I think) but if you want I'll say if you don't, you can only find it on private maps

Phøenix's picture

enderman., ok should I give you my username or something?

enderman.'s picture

Phøenix, if you want to give you can

Phøenix's picture

enderman., ok my username is Aßtrid

enderman.'s picture

Phøenix, i was going to give you mine but i can only play tomorrow (saturdays and sundays i'm more online unless i have tpcs) but if you want i send add from my 2 account or wait until this afternoon

enderman.'s picture

Phøenix, what time do you play on saturdays and sundays when it was 17:00 and in America it was 10:00

Phøenix's picture

enderman., I don't really have a time I just play whenever I can

enderman.'s picture

Phøenix, I'm more on Saturdays and Sundays I'll send you add

Lunar3clipse's picture

I'd join if you are up to it.  I'm not the best builder, but I can do well.

enderman.'s picture

Whispur, Yes I'm not much of a builder either and the first time I'm going to compete

enderman.'s picture

Whispur, what is your name in game?

Leaderruca's picture

enderman.,enderman will participate cool

Pingu's picture


Sіmply's picture

I smell coins

playj's picture

same :b

Nixmaker's picture

Why I can't register

POCAdmin2's picture

Nixmaker, where?