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Kvng Aether
Kvng Aether's picture

Im srry. But this needs to be said. Whenever i see noob in the comments all that goes through my mind is a tiny old man yelling "GOD DÅMN NOOOOOOOB" Or the scene from that adam sandler movie when the butler shouts boob in the echo hall, but instead of boob he says noob. Lol u gotta admit thats how we feel when we see him

The Lich
The Lich's picture

I think well of someone who has autism.

The Lich
The Lich's picture

KidIcarus, Some of his stunts are funny, I must admit.

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

And some things noob does is just random,even for my standards! xD

Kvng Aether
Kvng Aether's picture
