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TimothyOutof6's picture

Does anybody know how the top liked games, such as Dream Parkour, build their world, then switch it to survival for people to play? Thanks in advance.

Judy's picture

Regular players don't have the ability to do that. Only admins can switch maps from creative to survival and vice versa

TimothyOutof6's picture

Judy, Okay, thank you.

ALITTARY's picture

We used to have that ability but it got removed because it was buggy, they probably did it to their world's before it got removed, you can still upload offline world's into online ones though.

YUSUKA's picture

well its amazing if it is back

Rooyce's picture

yep instead now you cant do it too much bugs it will probably come back by next update

Jedi0fEndor Pri...
Jedi0fEndor Private Map Explorer's picture

royce, Don't private maps delete themselves?

ALITTARY's picture

Jedi0fEndor P.O.T. Leader wrote: royce, Don't private maps delete themselves?

Yeah if Boone has joined the map within 15 days, It will expire, If someone does join the timer resets. I often get tired of having to revisit my maps for 2 seconds just so they don't expire so I don't plan on starting any new ones. Especially since I keep accidentally deleting them. Lol