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V01d's picture

So, recently I was trying to clear up some storage, and accidentally deleted PoC. Logged back in, all data was gone. I had a gset, stacks of diamond blocks, lots of gold blocks, and some other blocks. I also had ench and some maxed out tools. Anyone have ideas for what I could do? Oh, also, I didn’t have any ads and I also had some extra private chest slots. Had some skins, liked maps, and stuff too. 
This is an old photo of my private chest

Pingu's picture

Kill noobs for their loot..?

Pingu's picture

I'm also poor, in need of supplies.. :(

Phøenix's picture

Did you have a account?

Phøenix's picture

I didn't have an account once and PoC deleted everything I had for some reason on my birthday none the less not a good birthday present I lost all my friends everything but after that I made a account and now whenever I delete PoC it saves my stuff

POCAdmin2's picture

As already mentioned above, if your account was registered you can just log in to it any time. If you played on unregistered account (guest account), then unfortunately you've lost the acess to it after you deleted the game.

V01d's picture

I’m pretty sure I had an account, which is why I am very confused 

Pingu's picture

V01d wrote:
I’m pretty sure I had an account, which is why I am very confused 

Use the email you used to sign in and log in. If you can't log in, reset password