So I started making another base hopefully it lasts longer then the last ones but anyway it's not done yet I still have some stuff to finish but here's some screenshots if anyone has any ideas on how it can look better feel free to comment below.
So I started making another base hopefully it lasts longer then the last ones but anyway it's not done yet I still have some stuff to finish but here's some screenshots if anyone has any ideas on how it can look better feel free to comment below.
My wheat and beetroot farm with some sugar cane
My top floor
Phøenix, or attic
My main floor
Phøenix, ingore the chests they will be moved soon
My enchanting room
My brewing room
My dye room
The middle room
And yes I know it's very flammable Carol and pengy ;) that's why there is no fire
/summon flame phøenix base
Looks great!
FORD, thank you :)
I like it, it has lots of personality. Make sure only bring very trusted friends or nobody to keep it safe!!
At least you have a base...