Can you add more items like swords and weapons and everything that didn't make it to the creative menu cause why is there just cake in the weapons section and I need to kill mobs buy not wasting my money.
And let all the utilities work cause if you press them nothing happens and I would want to role-playing but nothing and nothing at all with the utilities work so plz update this
More items in creative/ usable utilities
Sun, 2024-09-22 16:37
City Builder
Posts: 258
Joined: 16.07.2024
This feature had been asked long ago for, but Admins just decline it by thinking swords are useless in creative as there's no PvP. I don't think it will be added soon.
But there is no point in having weapons and armor in creative mode. As already mentioned above, it's not possible to pvp in the creative and you can turn off mobs spawn in the settings of your private map.
I know but can you at least let the utilities have a use?
What about seeds we have carrots we should have the other seeds