barely anyone from the early era comes on the forums you’ll find that if we ever do we’ll only ever check the forums and what’s being talked about while logged out of our accounts so that no one can see if we’re online
I use to go by the name Dodo, DanTDM, and something else until I put my name as Dojeje. (I randomly typed it.)
I am still and always will be Dojeje, no matter what happens.
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barely anyone from the early era comes on the forums you’ll find that if we ever do we’ll only ever check the forums and what’s being talked about while logged out of our accounts so that no one can see if we’re online
-Modz-, ayyo

the pvp god
Jacknomercy90,wassup, how you been?
i started play in 2019 and i quitted in early 2022 and returned 2 months ago
I've been here since 2018 it's almost my 5 year anniversary!!
Phøenix, Happy 5 years anniversary :D
justapurpledye, Thank you!! :)
Hi im new here
yooo also come from 2014
Came from 2016 :) I don’t play anymore but I do log in here from time to time.
I am from 2019
I'm from mid 2016. Didn't play much tho
From 2017
I may have played in 2015-2017, I don't really know or remember. I think I may have started playing when I was 8 or 7. I was 8 in 2015.
I use to go by the name Dodo, DanTDM, and something else until I put my name as Dojeje. (I randomly typed it.)
I am still and always will be Dojeje, no matter what happens.